Chapter 3: The Game

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A static sound emerges from the speakers behind me. Confused, I whirled back to see a monitor starting to glow. Suddenly, from the TV there, I saw a silhouette of, I swear I'm not making this up, a bear.

???: Ahem! Ahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one two! This is a test of the school broadcast system! Am I on? Can everyone hear me? Okay, well then...!

The voice was so playful, yet so unconcerned. It concerned me. I couldn't help but felt a little chill up my spine. It was like hearing someone laugh at a car crash, or jumping around happily in a funeral. 

???: Ah, to all incoming students! I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at...right now!

Apollo: (To myself) But...where is it exactly?

Thankfully, the anonymous voice answered the question for me.

???: Please make your way towards the gymnasium at your earliest convenience.

Apollo: Oh.

???: ...That's all, I'll be waiting!

The monitors blink out, so on that note, I turned back to the Ultimate Talents. Most had confused looks on their faces, some had normal looks.

Junko: What. The. Hell was that just now?

Apollo: By my guess, that was the headmaster. I suppose it's time for the orientation program to begin.

Byakuya: Well then, if you'll excuse me...

Byakuya turns to leave the Main Hall, leaving us commoners alone.

Junko: H-Hey! What, you're gonna take off just like that!?

Hiro then hums to himself and seems to have understood something, whatever hallucination he may be having right now.

Yasuhiro: Ohh yeah, now I get it! This whole thing was just to get us pumped for the entrance ceremony!

Apollo: I don't feel so pumped though.

Yasuhiro: Man, thank god it was all a joke! I'd be totally freaked it this was real! 

I really wanted to believe him, but something in my gut tells me otherwise. Nonetheless, I wanted Weed Boy to have his clarity, so I stayed shut.

Yasuhiro: Alright, guess I'll head out, too. Wonder what they got planned for us next...

Hiro leaves the Main Hall, to which a few more students pile up to leave too.

Leon: Damn, I was totally looking forward to that nap, too. Why'd they have to go and kill the mood? 

Chihiro: W-Wait for me! I wanna go with you!

The 2 disappear from my sight.

Celeste: That is that, then. I will see you all there.

Toko: N-Not that anyone cares, but I-I'm gonna go, too...

And at this point, almost everyone's left the Main Hall except for me, Makoto, Sayaka, and some others. Seems that we all had the same suspicions.

Apollo: Hey, ya'll sense it too, right?

Makoto: Y-yea, something doesn't feel right.

Sayaka: I-I second that.

Junko: Yeah, that announcement was totally weird.

Apollo: Not just the announcement, it's everything that we went through to now. The glass windows, the hallways, the blocked front exit, and now the announcement. Doesn't it seem... creepy? 

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