Chapter 30: The Bargain

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Pic above is Kenny

Chapter 30: The Bargain

Kenny was outside the door, waiting for me. I rolled my eyes and, before he could do anything, skirted around him and walked to my room.

"It's 8:30. What do you want to do?" He walked in after me.

"Sleep." I answered. "I have school in the morning."


I sighed. "And I have to go to bed before midnight."

"Midnight is three and a half hours away." Kenny said. "We can do something before then."

"I meant that these past few days, I've been going to bed after 12, and I'd like to be asleep by 9."

"You're no fun." He pouted. I rolled my eyes and walked past him to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and filled it with water. Kenny came up behind me and trapped me in his embrace, my back to his chest.

"Would you just go away?" I huffed. He squeezed me tighter.

"Come do something with me." He put his chin on my head and rocked us back and forth.

"No!" I struggled. "Let go of me." Instead, he buried his head in my neck. His breath tickled my skin, making me shiver. I could feel his smirk.

He wasn't going to let me go unless I said I'd do something with him. Or...

I glanced at the glass sitting on the counter. It was about half full. I smirked mischievously. Quickly, before he could react, I snatched the glass up and dumped it over my head on his.

He gasped as the water hit and stepped away from me. "Ethan!" I laughed and turned around. Some of my back was wet, but Kenny got most of the water.

"Serves your right." I answered, putting the cup down. He wiped the water off his face and glared at me. I bit my lip to stop me from bursting out in laughter, but it didn't stop the snickers.

"Oh ho, ho." He laughed menacingly. "You are so going to get it."

All joking threw itself out the window. My laughter immediately left my throat. I just glanced up at him, then the door, wondering if I could make a break for it.

Before I could stop myself, I bolted to the door.

"Hey! Get back here!" Kenny yelled, chasing after me. I ran toward the front door, but before I got there, Kenny lunged at me and we both crashed to the ground. He flipped me to my back, straddled me, and started tickling me.

"Stop it! No!" I exclaimed, laughing. I tried to move his hands away, but he just found a different place. "Kenny!" I squealed through the cackling. I was laughing so hard, I'm pretty sure I was going to pee my pants pretty soon.

But then his hand traveled a little too far up and hit my bruised rib. I gasped and jerked up, clutching my rib.

"Oh, God. Sorry, Ethan." Kenny touched my hand gingerly. "You ok?"

"I'll live." I managed to get out through my heavy breathing. My heart was going crazy, especially at how close we were, and the position we were in.

"Next time, don't dump water on me." He said lowly, standing up. I grabbed his hand and stood next to him.

"Next time, don't do stupid things." I countered lamely.

"You were the one doing the stupid thing."

"You tickled me!"

"You dumped water on me!"

"Well maybe next time I wouldn't have to if you'd just respect my personal space and time!"

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