Chapter 14: The Painting

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Pic above is Denny

Chapter 14: The Painting

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I inhaled deeply and pulled the heavy body next to me closer. 


I opened my eyes. Kenny was who was in the kitchen? I tried to get up, but Kenny groaned and wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"Kenny, let me go." I struggled.

"It's still early." He mumbled.

"Exactly. Who's in the kitchen?" I asked.

He cracked an eye open. "It's just Denny. He came in last night and found us snuggled." He said drowsily.

 "What?!?" I squeaked, wrenching myself from his grip. Kenny chuckled from the bed.

"Calm down. He knew it was bound to happen eventually."

"The snuggling, or the almost sex?" I shot back.

"Both." He said, sitting up. I glared at him.

"Where are your clothes?" I asked.

"In that dresser." He pointed to the black dresser on the far wall. "Why don't you just go and get yours?"

 "Because I am not walking around half-naked." I glared. I opened a drawer and found pajama pants. I pulled out a random pair and pulled them on. Then I found a shirt and whipped it over my head. He just watched me.

"I'm going to shower." I said grudgingly. I walked out of the room and down the hall to get my backpack.

"Morning, Ethan." Denny called. I nodded slightly and continued walking. "Breakfast is ready."

"Ok." I grabbed my backpack and opened it up. I grabbed underwear, pants and a shirt. "I'm showering."

Denny didn't say anything as I walked back down the hall to the bathroom. I did see one in the master, but no way was I using that one.

After I cleaned myself up and got dressed, I walked into the kitchen. Kenny only had pants on and was kissing Denny, who was in his uniform and holding a spatula in his hand. Kenny moaned for some reason.

I ignored both of them and grabbed a plate from the counter top and sat down to eat. They continued kissing.

After a minute, Denny tried to get out of his grasp. "Babe, babe," he breathed. "The bacon's burning." Kenny laughed and let him go.

After they both sat down to eat, Denny made conversation.

"I have to head soon, but you guys should do something." Denny said. Kenny glanced at me and winked. I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you go with Kenny out to his studio?" Denny suggested.

"Yeah, that'll be fun." Kenny agreed.

"I have to go to school." I said, glad I had a reasonable excuse to not hang with Kenny. "And no, I am not calling sick." I glared at Kenny. He raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Hey; I didn't say it!" He protested jokingly. "I thought it, but I didn't say it." I rolled my eyes and turned back to my food.

"I am way too behind in my studies for this year to skip." I explained. Denny nodded.

"I'm glad you're putting work into school. I was worried I'd have to live in a house with two irresponsible people." He joked. Kenny's jaw dropped.

"How could you say that?"

"He's not wrong," I sniggered. Kenny glared daggers at me.

 "You are not very nice." He pouted, folding his arms.

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