Chapter 47: The Problem

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Chapter 47: The Problem

Kenny's POV

"I got it!"

"Did the system work out the plate?" Denny asked.

"Huh? Oh. I have no idea. I meant; I have a theory."

"What is it?" He walked over to me. I stood over a map of the state.

"So we're here." I pointed to our town. "This is the highway of the 5th car." I continued. "This is the gas station of the 6th and the limo. And these are possible routes the limo could've gone." I had highlighted some highways leading away from the station.

"Ok..." He said uncertainly.

"Now, obviously, his house would be the last place Carter would hide. This road goes straight into Canada with no side stops, so it's not that one. This one comes into town and then splits into two directions; one to the east, and one to the southwest."

"Ok. What's you're theory?" He asked, pushing to the point.

"That's it. He'd either go east or southwest."

"It's so broad." Denny said. "If we had the plate, it'd be easier."

"I know, I know." I said. "I can't rush it, otherwise we'd already be on our way. Plus, it's not my equipment." He sighed.

"I know. I wish it would go faster." We both looked over to the screen. It had zoomed to the limo's plate, and was trying to remove the blur. "But with the quality, it might take a while."

"Damn Wellington." I cursed.

"What does that even mean?"

"One Direction's version of Android." I explained.

"Ok..." Denny blinked and looked at me like he was wondering why he would care.

"You have no idea who that is, no you?" I asked.

"Nope." He had no shame not knowing, either.

I chuckled. "I'll have to tell you later."

"Feel free not to." I laughed again and put my arm around Denny's waist. He put his around my shoulders and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"What are we going to do if we don't find him?" I asked quietly. It was the question on both our minds, but neither wanted the question to be asked nor answered.

"Don't think like that." Denny said. "We will find him." I nodded. And we stood there for a couple minutes.

"Aiden." One of his coworkers stood a few paces away.

"Duty calls." I nodded and he walked to the other officer.

I sighed and sat down with my head in my hands.

A minute goes by. 5 minutes go. Ten comes and goes. Then 20.

I looked up at the screen. It looked almost done. I repeated the first digits in my head until they were stuck there in memory. C-J-9-8-A. There was one more digit.

If only it would hurry.

I remembered Coraline's plate number. C-P-8-6-C-M. It seemed important.

I thought for a moment. Where was Denny? I needed him to pull something up for me. I looked around.

"Babe?" I called, looking around. I walked around for a second. I asked if anyone knew where he was.

I know he has a job, but honestly.

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