Chapter 59: The Rest

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Chapter 59: The Rest

As soon as my eyes adjusted, I gasped. There was a gazebo that was littered with garlands and bouquets of white and pink flowers. Only a few chairs were set out (and only a few occupied) with white ribbon across the tops. The floor had pink petals as a walkway, that led up to the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. Kenny and Denny stood on a platform with a man dressed in white robes behind a podium. Flowers and petals lay everywhere, some even in Denny and Kenny's hair.

My husbands-to-be (not for long!) were dressed in identical black suits with a white tie, and a half a flower in their pockets (And I mean, it looked as if it had been cut in half). Denny's hair was gelled back, while Kenny's was combed off to the side.

Both looked fffucking fantastic. I blinked back tears as Jer and I slowly made our way to them. Jackie and Tony stood off to one side. I saw Laura Lee in the audience, as well as Bruce and Rachael, and a few photographers as well (not paparazzi, thankfully).

As soon as I came out of the tent, the cameras started clicking.

I didn't mind. Because as soon as I laid my eyes on my lovers, everything else faded away. I was making my way to them almost too slowly, but soon enough, I was there. Jeremy kissed my forehead, took the bouquet, and handed my hands to Denny and Kenny.

My heart was racing as I stepped up to them. They stood to one side, and me on the other, and the man started speaking.

"Love is a beautiful thing." He started. "It comes in all shapes and sizes, and has no bounds. The one your heart opens up to is the one your mind, body, and soul believes is The One—or in this case, The Ones. Marriage is just a small advantage.

"Nevertheless, these three people stand before me, asking to tie their love together. And I'll never say no to love." He paused to smile at us. "Kenneth has asked that we skip the vows, but I believe it is an important part, so I will do my best to hurry it through."

I chuckled at that. I wasn't surprised Kenny wanted to just get it over with (in a good way).

"Do you, Ethan Connor Foster, take Denny Aiden, and Kenneth Jared Aiden to be your lawfully wedded husbands; to have and to hold in sickness and in heath; in wealth and in poverty; and for better or for worse? Do you promise to be faithful, caring, truthful, and loving, as long as you all shall live?"

I had to swallow some tears down before I could speak. "I do." I said, nodding my head.

"And do you, Denny Aiden, and Kenneth Jared Aiden, take Ethan Connor Foster to be you lawfully wedded husband; to have and to hold in sickness and in heath; in wealth and in poverty; and for better or for worse? Do you promise to be faithful, caring, truthful, and loving, as long as—"

"Yes, I do." Kenny interrupted. I laughed lightly, still trying not to cry. I could tell that Kenny wanted to interrupt earlier, but he didn't want make it seem like he wouldn't fulfill the vows, and even though I knew he wouldn't, I appreciated that so much.

"As do I." Denny said, squeezing mine and Kenny's hand. Denny had tears already falling, and all I wanted to do was hug him and wipe them away.

"Do you have the rings?" He asked. Jackie stepped forward and passed the ring to Kenny. Both Kenny and Denny already have their rings; they just got one to match for me. Kenny took my left hand from Denny and slid the ring on.

The pastor smiled at us. "Then it is my great honor; by the power vested in me by God and the State of Florida, I now pronounce you husbands. You make kiss."

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