Chapter 52: The Surprise

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Pic above is Tony (AKA Toni Gabriel Mahfud)

Chapter 52: The Surprise

Ethan's POV

Within the next few days, I was out of the hospital bed. It was nice to get out of there, but it was hardly any better at home. Kenny babied me so badly. He forced me to stay in my bed with locks on my windows, and my door wide open so he could walk past and look in. He brought me food, helped me to the bathroom (if I didn't hustle fast enough to do it myself), and kept a bell by my bed so I could call him if I needed anything. He also moved a TV in the room, and, half the time, slept on my bed next to me.

Denny occasionally checked on me while he was home, but he mostly let Kenny be an overprotective mom.

We didn't talk about the marriage. At all. I couldn't even bring it up without Kenny announcing loudly that I needed my medicine or a nap.

A nap! I was nearly 18!

This went on for the rest of the week. I was completely fine, besides the occasional nightmare—but I'd never tell Kenny that. All my bruises and my rib healed fine (from all the bed rest), so I wanted to be able to get up and get around, but Kenny insisted on carrying me from room to room, despite my protests.

"Stop!" I groaned again when Kenny lifted me up from the couch. I had been complaining that I wanted a shower to Jackie on the phone just moments before (because I sure as hell wasn't going to let Kenny help me with that), when he walked over and picked me up.

"Put me down." I ordered sternly. He glanced down, then pursed his lips and set me back down. "I do not need help. I am nearly 18, can walk by myself, and do not you babying me anymore."


"No. I am fine." I told him.

"But what if you slip in the tub and hit your head?" He asked, completely paranoid.

"Do you really think that's going to happen?"

He thought for a moment. "Probably not, but—"

"How about this; I will leave the door unlocked." I offered, even though I probably wasn't going to. "Only check on me if you absolutely have to."

He looked at me and sighed.

"You don't need to worry about me, Kenny. It's been over a week since anything's happened."

"But that doesn't mean it can't." He argued.

"Then you are free to protect me then." I took his hand. "But I don't need help to go to the bathroom. And certainly not to walk."

"Ok." He sighed again. "I'll ease of a little."

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and stood. "I'll only take like 15 minutes. Just relax."

"You're the one supposed to be relaxing." He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and sinking into the couch.

I ignored him and went into the bathroom, and after some debate with myself, left the door unlocked. Mainly because his paranoia was getting to me.

As much as I loved that Kenny was trying to be helpful, he just needed to chill. His worries were legitimate (at least some of them), but he just went to the extremes for helping. He wouldn't even let my friends come over. I wanted to see them again. The first couple days, they visited me in the hospital, but Kenny wouldn't let them stay any longer than ten minutes. Jer visited me here, but not very often.

I was kinda lonely because Kenny wasn't acting himself, and Denny was busy at work trying to catch Carter and Kristi. They had failed busting Alfonso out of jail (which was a relief), and were now on the run.

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