Chapter 19: The Mansion

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Chapter 19: The Mansion

An intense jerk woke me up. I opened my eyes and looked around.

The first thing I noticed was we were still in the car.

The second thing I noticed was it wasn't Denny's car.

I looked over and tensed, scooting closer to the window.

Confusion was the only thing that crossed my mind.

That and anger.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Letting you sleep." He answered.

"No, I mean why am I here...Where is here?" I looked around outside. It was too dark to see anything. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to my house." He answered.

"No. Stop. Pull over. I want to get out." I said, my pulse quickening.

He looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. "You were the one who climbed into my car, Nathan. Willingly. So, I think I should have the decency to take you to our destination." His voice had an edge to it. One I didn't like.

I gulped and faced forward. I decided not to argue; I mean, he did kinda have a point. As soon as we got there, I'd phone someone and ask them to pick me up.

But...Where am I?

"How long have you been driving?" I asked quietly.

"Almost 3 hours." He replied. I glanced at him.

"Your house is that far out?"

"It's my parent's house. I have another in your town." He said.

"So why are we going there?"

"Because that's just where I happen to be going." He answered. Then he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "Now be quiet; I can't focus on the road when you ask so many questions."

We sat in silence. The only thing to be heard was our breathing, the air conditioning, and the car's engine.

Carter finally slowed down, about a half hour later, and pulled up to a large, tall, black gate. I gulped immediately when I saw it. He typed in a passcode next to the entrance and the gate slowly swung open.

He drove through carefully and the gate shut behind us. The driveway was long and dark and seemed to go on forever.

But, finally, I saw a light up ahead.

...And followed, a large, bright mansion.

I mean, it was massive. At least four floors, and twenty windows and each floor—and that's just what I could see! He pulled through the roundabout and into a garage on the side. The garage had 5 or more cars in it—each more expensive looking than the last.

He parked, grabbed my bag, and got out. I felt like I had no choice but to follow him, so I got out and followed him, feeling like just my presence was making this place dirty.

He opened a door, and I was met with bright lights and white...everything! Ceilings, walls, chandeliers... even the floors were white! I looked down at my torn shoes. At least I didn't leave a trail, I thought.

He walked down a hall and I followed. Everything I passed was sparkling and dazzling. The doors and the knobs were shiny, the little white tables with their little white plants were gleaming. A door was open as we passed, and I had about one second to glimpse before I passed.

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