Chapter 8: The Answer

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Pic above is Denny

Chapter 8: The Answer




"Arg! You're so frustrating! Why won't you just come with me?"

"Because I have better things to do than go shopping with you, Jackie." I said.

"Like what?" She countered. I opened my mouth, but paused. "Exactly."

"Fine!" I sighed, giving in. She smiled.

 "Great! Let me grab my wallet, one second." She ran into her room. We were at her apartment and had just finished watching a movie, fattening ourselves with ice cream.

To put it simply, I was sulking. When Kenny asked his question, I panicked and made an excuse to get away. Without an answer. I felt bad. But I really didn't know my answer yet. I went to Jackie's and asked if I could come in and talk. I didn't really talk but she sat me down and we watched TV. She was worried but didn't push me, which I was grateful for.

"K, got it!" She yelled, running back into the kitchen. "Let's go." She grabbed her keys and we walked to her car. "Where to first?"

"First. Budget." I said.

She whined. "Seriously? You're not my mother, I don't need a budget."

"Yeah, well if you don't have one then you'll end up wasting all of your money before you can pay rent." I reasoned. Jackie pulled out of the driveway.

"Fine," she sighed. "What's the plan?"

"100 bucks."

"What?!" She exclaimed. "That's so low!"

"It's low for a reason! You can't just waste money whenever you feel like it."

"You're not being reasonable." She complained. "I can spend at least 500!"

"No, you're not being reasonable. 500 is too much for your finance to handle. You almost spent twice that much last month." I said.

"It was not twice. It was like 800." She mumbled.

"Exactly. You almost didn't pay your bills because of that."

"'Almost' being the key word." She said, stopping at a red light.

"Still. I don't want you risking it." I answered.

"How about 200." She tried to reason. I just shook my head.

"No. 100."




"140. Final offer."

"150?" She asked meekly. I raised my eyebrow at her. She pleaded with her eyes. I sighed.

"Ugh. Fine. But not a penny over." I warned.

"Yay!" She pressed the gas as the light turned green.

"Also, groceries first. Budget for that is 200. Then we can go window shopping and if you see something you like, we'll get it. Ok?" I looked over at her.

"Ugh! Why do you have to be so responsible?" She grumbled.

"Just take us to the grocery store," I chuckled. 

"Yes mother." She mock saluted. I smiled.

She parked in an empty spot at the store and we grabbed a cart and walked in.

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