Chapter 46: The State of Mind

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Chapter 46: The State of Mind

Ethan's POV

Everything was a daze. Things were happening around me, but nothing registered. They went in slow motion. They happened too fast. It was muffled. It was at full volume.

My body hurt. I didn't know why, how, or when it started.

My head was going to explode soon. There was too many thoughts and emotions zipping around; each worse than the last. I couldn't put a single word on how I was feeling.

Confused, sad, angry, lonely, tired, broken, scared, numb, and more. My head hurt too much to name all of them.

I couldn't believe . . .

It was a scary thought. This whole thing was scary.

Kenny and Denny...Jackie...Jeremy...

The tears had stopped coming hours ago. Or was it days? I couldn't tell. Time was irrelevant.

I think he tortured me. I couldn't tell, though. If he did, my mind didn't register pain. My throat hurt, so maybe I had been screaming, but...

They were speaking. Two traitors and the son of a criminal.

Correction: he is a criminal. Whatever his father did was no match to him. I wondered why he did it, but I doubt I'd be able to get the words out to ask, or hear his answer.

I saw the first betrayal coming. It wasn't that surprising, seeing as she'd done it before. I questioned what I did to make her do the things she did.

But the second was a bit more unexpected. I pondered why he would hate me so much to take part of it.

I still had no idea what time it was or how long I'd been there. It could've been minutes, hours, days, or weeks. I wanted to be optimistic that the Aiden's would track me down and rescue me, but there was very little positive energy left in my body.

Or any energy at all.

My mind figured it was safe to come to consciousness, so when I focused on my surroundings, I found very little. I was tied to a chair with a gag in my mouth.

I then registered the pain and cried out. My head was the worst, but there was a lot in my back, chest, and arms.

I cursed myself for choosing right now to wake up. I was exhausted, mentally and physically. At least my breathing was (somewhat) steady and my heart was still beating normally.

That quickly changed when the door opened. In walked all three of them.

Wait. There was a fourth.

Oh no. Stupid mind!! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why couldn't it have decided to connect back with my body later?!

I knew they knew I was aware of my surroundings.


"Nathan. I see you're awake."

That's how. 


Rriiiiigght...Imma just leave it there—🏃‍♀️💨

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