Chapter 54: The Flowers

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Chapter 54: The Flowers

"19." Denny finished. Whoa.

It was silent. I was 19 this month? But...I don't feel nineteen. I'm 17. I had to be! It just made more sense. Just because it says that my birthday was May 19 doesn't mean that it really was. I mean, if that was the case, I turned 19 two weeks ago.

I shook my head; denying it. "This isn't real." I said. "She—She's lying. O-or not telling the whole truth."

"Ethan—" Denny tried to calm me.

"No! It's...It can't be true..." My heart felt heavy in my chest. I can't take it in. I don't want to. I just wanted to go back. Back to when everything was simple. Sammy was simple. It was easy. I didn't have to worry whether I'd die the next day. The only thing I worried about was if we'd last 'till I graduated. It would be nice to go back to then.

I shook my head. I can't think like that. I'm here with Kenny and Denny. Sammy is in the past. As much as I love him, I'm happier being an Aiden. 

"Ethan?" Kenny called me back to earth with a hesitant leg touch. I looked up at him. "Are you ok?"

I swallowed a lump in my throat and shook my head. "It's a lot to take in." I said quietly. Kenny wrapped his arms around me. I leaned against his side and stared at the paper. It was a lot.

On the one hand, I'm glad I read it. I mean, I never really knew the actual date of my birth, or where I came from—or anything to do with my mother, for that matter—so maybe this is good.

On the other hand, it's gonna be hard to convince Kenny to not get me into bed—not that I don't want it.

"I'm still confused." Tony spoke up. I smiled lightly. We spent the next couple hours explaining everything, then talking. Denny made some tea for everyone, then Kenny, Denny and I snuggled on the couch and continued visiting.

I learned that Tony was still the Tony I knew. Still the overprotective brother-like figure I looked up to. He was still working at the mechanic shop he was, except he'd been promoted to co-manager in the last year. He lived with two roommates on the other side of the city—both, he said, are very annoying and don't do anything to help, besides rent. He also said he can't kick them out because he can't find anyone else to share a flat with, and he doesn't get enough money to rent one himself. I offered to help him find a place; to which he said he's alright; or a room in Kenny's house; to which Kenny said no. I then argued that Kenny makes enough money to house another person, even though he doesn't have a job. He argued that being an artist and an author is a job, and it's better than working at a diner.

It went on like that for some time. I'm not even sure why we argue so much. He thinks its funny seeing me riled up. I think he's annoying for thinking that. And that lead to another argument.

Denny, Jackie, and Tony watched our exchange like a tennis match, heads swinging from side to side, not sure who to root for.

Our banter was just that: banter. It was playful. I knew that, and so did Kenny. It was just fun arguing with the other, and, on my side, kept me away from Kenny's bed.

It's probably time I address that. I didn't hate the idea of having sex with Kenny (and Denny). On the contrary, it sounded heavenly. I guess I was just old fashioned and wanted a big dinner or something romantic, and then just let nature take its course. I didn't want it forced. And that's how Kenny was; forceful, provoking, a little irritating. I just wanted it natural. Not planned, or rushed, or quick.

I didn't want to tell Kenny that, because then he'd just tease the shit out of me. But I did tell Denny. He said he'd talk to his husband and slowly ease the idea—while making sure he won't laugh it off—and hopefully things just...happen. 

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