🦋Chapter 5🦋

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"GEORGE! What is that?" Antalia said fearfully, pointing at the sky, just before they had go out of the woods

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"GEORGE! What is that?" Antalia said fearfully, pointing at the sky, just before they had go out of the woods.

"Oh shit! Shit! Girls RUN!" George yelled, panic washing through him.

They all ran, and they didn't stop until they were back at the tents, and all out of the woods. They all walked into the tent, to find no one else there.

"Where's Harry, Ron and Hermione?" Ginny asked, looking at her older siblings, eyes wide with fear.

"I don't know-"

"Oh thank Merlin you four are okay." Charlie sighed with relief, putting his head into the tent, "Bill, Perce, the twins, Talia and Gin are here. The other three aren't here though."

Talia ran and hugged Charlie, lots of fear leaving her as she was safe with her second oldest brother. Bill and Percy also came into the tent, sporting a variation of injuries.

Talia sat them down and started to clean their wounds, "Did you catch them, guys?" Talia asked, while dressing a large, deep wound on Charlie's calf.

"No, they all disapparated at the sight of the Dark Mark." Bill said, obviously put out.

"What about the Roberts'?" Fred asked, still pale.

"We managed to keep them safe - they're having their memories modified now." Percy said, looking at the cut on his hand.

"It's dastardly." Antalia said, shaking her head, as she finished fixing up Bill.

"I agree, Tals." He said standing up, "I'm going outside to see when the others come back."

"Dad! Fred, George, Ginny and Talia got back okay, but the others didn't." they heard Bill call.

"It's okay - i've got them here." Mr Weasley called back, everyone in the tent visibly relaxed, and smiled slightly.

As the golden trio, Arthur and Bill stepped back into the tent, Antalia threw herself at Ron, pausing healing Percy's hand.

"Don't ever scare me like that again, okay!" She said, hugging Ron tightly.

Ron hugged back, "I'll do my best, Tals" Ron chuckled.

"You better, you twat," Talia hissed, playfully, before hugging Harry and Hermione.

"Did you catch them, Dad?" Bill asked.

"No, they disapparated once they saw the dark mark."

"I'm sorry, i still don't get what's so bad about a shape in the sky." Ron said.

"It's his mark Ron. It was what death eaters put in the sky after they killed someone," Arthur started, "It was everyone's worst nightmare, to come home and see that above your house. We haven't seen it since You Know Who's time."

"What about the Roberts'? Whats going to happen to them?" Antalia asked, still resting her head on Ron's shoulder - holding his hand out of fear.

Arthur looked up at his eldest daughter, and sighed, "We managed to catch them before they hit the ground - they're having their memories modified as we speak. Come on, you lot. We should probably call it a night; your mother will be sick with worry."

The next morning, the Weasleys and Hermione and Harry trudged their way through the disheveled campsite. As they walked out of the gate, they saw a very dazed Mr Roberts, waving with a dopey grin on his face.

"Merry Christmas," he waved.

"And a Happy New Year," Talia replied, a little unsure - she had read that after a massive memory modification, the person does often become a little unaware of what's going on around them.

"He'll be okay, Little Ant," George said, as he saw the look on his little sister's face.
"I promise," Fred continued.

"I know, i just pity him. He didn't deserve it."

About two hours later, everyone was gathered outside of the Burrow, to see a very anxious Mrs Weasley standing at the door.

"Oh thank heavens!" She cried, and to everyone's surprise, she wrapped Fred and George into a excruciatingly strong hug.

"Mum! You're strangling us!" Fred yelled, trying to worm his way out of the hug.

"I yelled at you when you left! What if it was the last thing i said to you!" she said, releasing them from the hug, moving on to the rest of the family, dropping the Daily Prophet that was clutched in her hands. The newspaper had a large Dark Mark plastered on the front, with the headline 'DARK MARK SIGHTED AT WORLD CUP'


"Talia! Come down, Dear! There's a letter for you." Molly Weasley called, the day after they arrived back from the Cup.

Antalia looked at Ginny, who shrugged, and walked out their room to go down stairs. On the table was a handsome grey owl, carrying a letter.

She walked over and took the letter from his foot, and he went on his way. She opened the letter and read:

Dear Antalia,

I hope everything is okay with you all at home. I'm just writing to make sure you got back okay after we saw you in the woods - I have been worried about you. Seamus also wants to make sure you're okay, and his mum.

That isn't the only reason i'm writing though - i wanted to know if you wanted to meet up when we get back to school? It's okay if you say no.

From Dean x

Antalia smiled to herself, as she felt butterflies fill her stomach.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A voice said behind her, as Fred and George each placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Is little Ant blushing, Freddie?"
"I think she is, Georgie." they laughed, as they reached for the letter.

"Give that back! Please, Freddie, Georgie!"  She jumped and snatched it back, as Fred and George laughed to themselves.

"Looks like someone has a crush," George teased.

"I don't fancy Dean Thomas!" She huffed, her cheeks glowing scarlett.

"Who doesn't fancy Dean Thomas?" Ron said, as him, Harry and Hermione walked into the room.

"Antalia fancies Dean" Fred chanted.

"Even if i did, i'm not going to ask him out and face rejection, like you did with Angelina."

That shut Fred up really quickly, as the others roared with laughter, "How did you find out about that?!"

"I have ears everywhere." She said, in a sing-song voice, tapping her nose, and skipping upstairs.

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