🦋Chapter 11🦋

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"IS she okay?" Alfie asked when Talia reached the bottom of the stairs

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"IS she okay?" Alfie asked when Talia reached the bottom of the stairs.

"No, but she's sleeping now. I don't think i've ever seen her like this," Antaila sighed, as they walked to Care of Magical Creatures.

"Me neither, it hurts seeing her in so much pain."

Antalia nodded, before linking their arms. "We won't tell anyone what's happened, and if they ask if she's okay, just nod." Alfie agreed.

"Let's go and find out what monster Hagrid has brought for us today!" Alfie said, pulling Antalia along.

When they reached Care of Magical Creatures, they found that the Gryffindors were already there.

"Is Keira alright, Tals?" Hermione asked nervously.

"She'll be alright, don't worry," Alfie said smiling slightly.

"I'm here if she needs me," Hermione said, before walking off to join Ron and Harry.

Antalia soon felt an arm wrap around her shoulders, and knew instantly who Hagrid was waiting for.

"Hello, beautiful," Theo said, loudly and grinned, jokingly. Theo, Blaise and Alfie watched Dean, Seamus and Ron's heads whip round so quickly, they were surprised they didn't get whiplash.

Antalia didn't notice this, as she soon replied, "Hello, my love," blowing a kiss at him. Theo jumped back and pretended to blush, before the four burst into fits of laughter.

Dean eyed them enviously, before Alfie noticed him, and mouthed "They're friends, don't worry," with a wink at the end, making him blush heavily, and turn around.

The rest of the lesson passed quite quickly and before they know it, Tals and Alfie were walking up to the castle with Theo and Blaise.

"Oi, Tals," Theo said, nudging her.


"Lover boy's over there."

"Which one?" Alfie snorted.

"Oh ha ha, very clever, Alf," Antalia said, rolling her eyes and scoffing.

"Thomas. And he looks like he wants to talk to you, he keeps looking over here."

Antalia looked over, and Dean was indeed standing by the doors, looking as if to catch her attention. When they did make eye contact, he flushed pink, and shyly indicated for her to go over to where he was.

"You alright, Dean?" Antalia asked, her sing-song voice giving him butterflies.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he reached up and scratched the back of his neck, awkwardly. "Do you want to go on a bit of a walk around the grounds tomorrow?" he asked, nervously.

Antalia grinned, "I'd love to, what time?"

"is five thirty okay?"

"It's perfect," she smiled, before looking at the Ravenclaw table and back at him.

Butterflies 🦋 Dean ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now