🦋chapter 35🦋

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THE first week of the summer holidays started slowly, each day dragging by. All Antalia could find the effort to do was write to her friends in her journal, sleep and mourn; the one person's advice that she wanted, she couldn't get.

It was the 1st of August and Antalia laid in her bed, wrapped in her duvet when the sound of raised voices came from downstairs.

"How dare you suggest such a thing! I worked hard to get this promotion Dad!" Antalia heard, "Just because you have no ambition, does not mean you can be the reason for my personal downfall!"

Antalia flopped out of bed, and opened her door slightly, so she could hear better. She looked opposite, and there stood Fred and George listening to the yelling, just like her.

"What's going on?" Antalia mumbled, her voice hoarse after not having used it for a while.

"Percy got a promotion - senior undersecretary to the minister for magic," George started.
"And after everything that happened, Fudge has been on Dumbledore's case," Fred finished.

"So Dad thinks that he's using Perce to spy on us because we side with Dumbledore?" Antalia said, and continued when Fred nodded in confirmation, "Well Dad's hardly wrong is he? I might not be up for anything recently, but i know what the Daily Prophet has been saying about him and Harry."

"Percy, how can you not see that Fudge is using you?!" Arthur cried in dismay, "Have you not been seeing what the Daily Prophet is saying about Dumbledore and Harry?!"

Percy guffawed, "Of course i have; and they are absolutely correct! Harry Potter is nothing but a filthy liar - He is not back!"

By this time, Antalia and the rest of her siblings (minus Bill and Charlie who are still currently abroad) had migrated to the bottom of the stairs watching the argument fan out.

"Then how do you explain the death of the Diggory boy?" Arthur thundered, Ron grasped Antalia's hand, squeezing it tightly.

Percy spared a glance to his sister, before puffing out his chest and saying "That, was an unfortunate incident that happened inside the maze, and could not have been avoided."

White hot anger flooded Antalia's veins, "Why would you say that? How could you say that?" She dropped Ron's hand and stepped forward, "You say 'unfortunate' as though he cut his knee. You Know Who killed him. My best friend is dead, and there you stand acting as though it was a minor inconvenience!" Tears were now freely running down her face, " Harry and Dumbledore are our only hope at stopping him," she whispered.

Molly put a hand on Talia's shoulder, "She's right, Percy. Please, just listen."

"You're really going to stand up for a man, as insane as Dumbledore, and Harry. Harry who obviously has very intense hallucinations," Percy scoffed, going red in the face.

"Percy, just listen to us. Listen to Dumbledore before it's all too late and he's as powerful as he was last time!" Arthur attempted to reason.

"Absolutely not! I refuse to live under a roof with such traitors!" He spat, "You are welcome to turn your backs on the Ministry, but i shall do no such thing."

"Percy, what are you saying?" Ginny whispered, chewing on the side of her lip.

"I'm leaving."

"Perce, c'mon, you don't need to do that," George started.
"Yeah, don't be a prat mate," Fred said.

"It's too late. I shall see you when you open your eyes to Dumbledore and Potter's evil scheme," and with that he disapparated on the spot.

"No," Mrs Weasley whispered, "No, my boy, please no," And she started to sob, her body began to shake, as though she was about to throw up.
Mr Weasley walked out of the front door, towards his garage; muttering furiously under his breath.

The five remaining children stood in shock, silent tears running down four of their faces. "We shouldn't have been so hard on him," George sighed, and before anyone could even open their mouths Antalia butted in.

"No." She said, her face hard, "This was not our fault; if he wasn't such a pompous prat then he wouldn't have gone. He belittled my best friends death, so i say good fucking riddance." And with that she stormed upstairs and slammed her bedroom door.

Antalia's mind was running at 500mph as she began to scribble furiously. Antalia wasn't even sure what to write so she just decided to release all of her pent up emotions by stabbing her quill in her page, and violently scribbling. It was the only thing that she could do to release all her feelings.

On this page she captured, the betrayal from her brother, the grief from Cedric's death, her fury at Emma fucking Wrenn, her hatred for Dean and every little thing she wished she could tell someone.

She was sick of staying cooped up in her tiny bedroom, she wasn't some sort of animal, so why should she stay trapped like one.

With hot tears of fury staining her cheeks, she seized her notebook and chucked it at her door with as much force as she could possible muster. Antalia caught her eye in her mirror and could barely recognise the person staring back at her.

She took two steps towards the mirror.

She was no longer going to allow her emotions to be ruled by another person; she agreed that from that day, she would strive to become the best person she could be. No more rage. No more fucking jealousy. And definitely no more dark cloud.

Antalia was going to become the best version of herself. For Cedric (and also out of spite).


hey baes
i hate this chapter lmk if you like it <3

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