🦋chapter 18🦋

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"One tradition that follows the Triwizard Tournament is, the Yule Ball," Professor Flitwick said, once all of the Ravenclaws were in an empty hall

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"One tradition that follows the Triwizard Tournament is, the Yule Ball," Professor Flitwick said, once all of the Ravenclaws were in an empty hall.

"What's the Yule Ball, sir?" Keira interrupted.

"Maybe if you listened you would find out, Keira," A random person shouted.

"Shut up, Padma."

"The Yule Ball," Flitwick continued as though he hadn't been interrupted, "Is a dance. You will attend in dress robes, with a date, or dance partner. It is my job to teach you all how to dance. Mr Colesman, Miss Weasley, to the dance floor please."

Alfie and Antalia groaned, as they stood up and walked into the middle of the hall.

"Now, Mr Colesman, put your right hand on Miss Weasley's waist, Miss Weasley, put your right hand on his shoulder, and hold each others hands. Perfect! Now one, two, three, four, one, two, three four.. Everybody, on your feet!"

"I nearly died!" Theo cried, when they met up at lunch, sitting at the Ravenclaw table, "so he says 'Miss Bullstrode, come here' then Millie, bless her soul, got up and he goes, 'put your right hand on my shoulder', AND HE TEACHES HER TO DANCE!"

"I wish i was there," Alfie snorted, all of the group imagining Snape and Millicent Bullstrode dancing around the dungeons.

"So, who are you going to ask?" Helen asked them all, "I know who i'm asking," she said, blushing slightly.

"I'm asking Susan Bones, our date at hogsmeade went really well," Alfie said, smugly.

"Probably Millicent or Daphne," Blaise said.

"I'll probably take Astoria, you know, Daphne's sister," Theo said.

"I want to go with Dean," Antalia sighed, imagining how gorgeous Dean would look in dress robes, "What about you Ryan, Keira?"

"I don't know," Keira said, glancing at Helen, Antalia raised an eyebrow, and grinned, making Keira blush red and turn away.

"I'm going to ask Mia Foster, she's in Beauxbatons. We both are mates, so even if she doesn't want to go as a date, we can still go as friends," he shrugged.

"Excuse me? Are you Antalia Weasley?" a young first year approached, reading something off of his hand.

"Yes, i am, what's wrong?"

"Um, I am asking you to the Yule Ball, on behalf of Roger Davis," He said, pointing further up the table, at a smug Roger, surrounded by all his mates, who were 'hyping him up' (thats in Keira's words, by the way.)

Antalia looked at him, grinned and got out a quill and ink, and wrote a short letter, before giving it to the first year and turning back to her friends, "What?" she asked, seeing their grinning faces.

"What did you say in that letter?"

"I just told him i wasn't interested."

"Bullshit, he looks like he's about to die from embarrassment, and you were grinning your evil genius smile," Alfie pointed out.

"Fine it said:

Roger, darling, I'm flattered.
However, I refuse to go on a date with a boy who hasn't got the balls to ask me themselves- besides if you did ask me i would have said no anyway. The pictures you sent over summer were highly inappropriate, and enough to make me want to loose my eyesight.
Sincerely, Antalia x

"Pictures? What pictures?" Keira asked, excitedly.

Antalia's face looked revolted, "He sent me some pictures of a place i would rather not see, if you know what I mean." Her friends jaws dropped, "And before you say anything, i have every right to be that rude, when I asked him to stop sending them, and he didn't, and then asked for some in return. It's vile."

"Men," Alfie said, shaking his head and taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"You deserve better, Tals," Theo said, and then looking up excitedly, "Better as in, 'extremely attractive boy' at 11 o'clock!" Antalia looked confused, "Dean Thomas, is walking up to you." he said, rolling his eyes.

"Were you imitating me?" Keira asked, incredulously.

"Yes," all of the boys answered at once.

"I do not sound like that!" she grumbled.

"You kind of do," Helen whispered back at her, elbowing her gently, and Keira let a small smile break through.

"Antalia, do you want to go on a walk?" Dean said from behind the bickering group.

"Yes she does!" Ryan butted in, pushing Antalia up from the bench.

"Piss off, Ryan," Antalia joked, "Yes, Dean. I would love to."

Dean grabbed her hand and led her out of the great hall and into the grounds. It was peaceful, the snow had just started to fall, that morning, causing Antalia to grab a handful and throw it at Dean's face.

Dean gasped playfully, and threw some right back at her, starting a massive snowball fight between the two. Dean bent down to grab some more snow, when Antalia came up behind him and tackled him to the floor. They both lied on the ground, laughing, and completely covered in snow.

"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" Dean asked, when the laughter died down.

"Yes. Yes i will, Dean." Antalia smiled, her cheeks red from the cold air. He lent in and kissed her. He could feel her smiling into the kiss.

It was perfect. That was how it was meant to be. Dean and Talia. Talia and Dean.



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