🦋chapter 33🦋

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DEAN was conflicted

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DEAN was conflicted. Stay with Emma, who's complaining about the insignificance and inconvenience of Cedric's death, or, find and comfort his crushed girlfriend.

It was a no-brainer really, but for Dean, it was a choice. Following his plan would benefit both himself and Antalia in the long run, but breaking away from the plan could end up with everyone hurt.

Dean stood up sharply, interrupting Emma's rambling, "I'm going to comfort Antalia."

Emma's eyes clouded with fury, "Does that mean you don't care about what I have to say, Dean?" She asked, curling one of her brown locks around her finger.

Dean gulped, wishing he had the courage to tell to do one, and sat down slowly, "I'll just go and see her later then."

Emma smiled smugly, moving her hair off of her shoulder, and looked him straight in the eyes, "Good, she probably wouldn't want to talk to you yet anyway. Her secret hookup has just died," Deans eyes furrowed in confusion, and a mist covered his eyes. She covered her mouth and widened her eyes in fake shock, "Oh dear! I said too much!"

"What do you mean, secret hookup?"

"Maybe you should go and see Antalia after all," Emma said, raising an eyebrow challengingly, "You know what to do, Dean."

Dean stood up, sharply, not even sparing Emma a glance as he left the Gryffindor common room. He knew exactly where Antalia would be.

Ten minutes later he was standing at the door of the Astronomy Tower, seeing the outline of his girlfriend shake with despair.

"Antalia?" he asked, going to sit next to her.

She raised her head slowly, her eyes all red and puffy, and looked at Dean, "Hello," she said in a small voice, wiping her nose.

"I'm sorry about Cedric," he whispered, "he meant a lot to you, didn't he?" Beyond words Antalia nodded, bursting into tears once more. Dean laughed unamused, "I can't believe it took Emma telling me for me to realise."

"What?" Antalia asked, her nose had begin to bleed because of how much she had rubbed it.

"I'm not thick, Antalia!" Dean spat out, "I know you two had a thing going on."

Antalia's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, "Dean what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb," he fumed, "You and 'golden boy Diggory' were hooking up!"

Antalia stood up, tear of grief and betrayal pouring down her cheeks as her nose ran, "Dean, I would never, ever do that to you! Also, how dare come up here, disrespecting him like that! He died three hours ago, Dean. He was one of my best friends! And he's dead," she didn't shout, she just whispered, letting Dean see the raw sadness and disappointment plaster her face.

Dean laughed again, "No! You two were sleeping together, Antalia. I can't believe you!"

"I thought so much better of you, Dean. I really did," he tried to speak but she cut him off, "Ever since the second task all you've done is disrespect me. You've constantly chosen her over me, and you have the nerve to play the victim?! My best friend died. He's fucking dead, and i didn't- i didn't get to tell him how proud i was of him. Fuck! How could you be so self absorbed! I'm so tired, Dean. I'm so sick of you! I'm sick of that brat Emma, and to be frankly honest, i'm sick of our relationship!"

It was like a cloud had lifted from Dean's eyes, as he saw the broken shell of his girlfriend, sympathy and guilt washed over him as he realised what had happened, "Oh my god, Antalia, I swear - i swear i didn't mean any of that."

Antalia laughed in disbelief, "Don't even try that one on me, Dean. Don't even think about it," She tried to walk out of the room but Dean seized her arm.

"Antalia, you have to listen to me, it's Emma, she can force me to do things that i don't want to do, just by looking at me, it's not like the Imperious Curse, it's something else, and i can't control it! I promise i'm telling the truth!"

Antalia shoved his hand off of her arm and stared him dead in the eyes, tears falling from her eyes, "A four year old could have thought that up," she looked at Dean with such disgust and betrayal, she opened her mouth, "I can't do this anymore."

Dean's eyes widened and filled with tears as he realised what she meant, "No- Antalia, i swear i'm telling you the truth- We can't be over, we just can't!"

Antalia fought back a sob, "I'm sorry, Dean."

Dean watched as Antalia left, tears streaming down his cheeks, as he gasped for air; he didn't want it to come to this. He really didn't.

He sat on the edge of the Astronomy Tower as thoughts of his, now ex, girlfriend spin around his head. He promised himself that he would get her back. But first, he had to get rid of Emma.

Why didn't he just stick with his original plan?


whoops, sorry :)

also, idk if i like this chapter

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