🦋Chapter 7🦋

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 THE rest of the train journey flew by, and it was soon time for them to change into their robes

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THE rest of the train journey flew by, and it was soon time for them to change into their robes.

"I have to go and meet Keira and Alf, I'll see you all at the feast!" Antalia said, walking out of the compartment, sparing a glance at Dean, who was staring at her, a faint blush ticking his cheeks.

"There you are! We were getting worried!" Keira cried, as Talia entered the compartment.

"I'm fine, i was with Ron. Malfoy pissed him off."

"And judging by the blush on your cheeks, Mr Thomas was there as well?" Alfie teased.

"Shut up." She muttered, looking down at the ground, ignoring their intense stares.

The train pulled to a stop, and the trio got off, and walked up to the carriages - they stepped inside and waited for it to move, before the door was pulled open again, and there stood Seamus Finnigan.

"Do you mind?" he asked, mischievously.

Alfie and Keira grinned at Talia, before Keira said, "Of course not!"

"Oi, Dean! Over here!" he called, stepping inside, sitting next to Keira, leaving the only empty space next to Antalia. Dean stepped up into the carriage, shooting a dirty look at Seamus, before sitting down.

"Tals, did you hear?" Keira suddenly said, breaking the tension.

"Did i hear what?" she asked curiously.

"I heard Roger Davies fancies you!" She said, sitting back smugly, as though she had just announced she would be running for Minister for Magic. She did, however, make sure to catch Deans eye, to see how jealous he got, and then to see the relief in his eyes when Antalia said:

"I know, he Owled me over summer." She said, distastefully.

"And..." Seamus asked.

"I ignored it. He's a player." She said, "And definitely not my type," she added as an afterthought.

"What is your type, Tals?" Alfie said, feigning interest.

Dean sat up a little straighter, wanting to hear her answer.

"Definitely not a boy, one  year younger than me, a cocky attitude, and hair longer than his -"


"What? I was going to say ability to focus!" She exclaimed, "What about you, Keira? You're dating Marietta Edgecombe."

"No, she wants to take things slow, we aren't actually dating yet," Keira said, voice faltering.

"Oh, Keira, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you weren't actually together!" Antalia said, apologetically.

"Don't you fancy Susan Bones, Alf?" Keira asked, accepting Talia's apology.

"Shut up."

Dean and Seamus were following their conversation like it was a tennis game, before Seamus got an idea.

"You know what, I think you two would look great together," he said, looking at Talia and Dean.

Talia laughed awkwardly, "Don't be stupid, Seamus. Dean could do a whole lot better," she said, winking at Dean, who looked very uncomfortable.

"Uh oh," Keira muttered.

"Ha, yeah, so could you," Dean choked out, awkwardly, as tensions began to rise again.

Keira, Alfie and Seamus all looked at each other, knowingly. Talia might not know it yet, but she was going to fall for this boy.

The rest of the carriage ride was in silence, not a friendly silence, an awkward, majorly uncomfortable silence; everyone felt relief wash through them as the carriage pulled to a stop. The rain was pouring, soaking the five.

"I don't envy the first years, riding in the boats in weather like this." Alfie shivered.

Keira screamed as a bright red water balloon was dropped on top of her head. Tals looked up to see a gleeful Peeves hovering above them.

"I WILL KILL YOU PEEVES! MARK MY WORDS!" Keira yelled, attracting attention from everyone.

"Come on, Keira. Let's get you inside," Talia said, as Alfie pulled her inside, both stifling laughter.

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