- Life Goes On

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"Oh, Toriau. I thought you were busy with solo projects. Weren't you working on photo shoots? I overheard you were working on newer dramas."

The thick, wooden door had been swung open, revealing the slim figure of a tall man, whose head reached the top of the door's frame. He was Kim Namjoon. And he was greeting Toriau with a warm, welcoming smile. Toriau, whose two hands were already preoccupied with bags of gifts, didn't have the space and energy to engulf the elder into a bear-hug.

So, instead, Toriau stood there motionlessly as if his feet were permanently stuck to the hardened cement front door. His pointed loafers shone with a special luster that belonged to a renowned shoe brand, highlighting the luxury of his wealth, while the owner smothered an abashed expression on his handsome face.

Toriau piped up, "The music video was released a few days ago. I'm not that tactless, nor heartless to not visit you guys. No matter how busy I am, if you miss me, I'm only one call away."

Namjoon smiled, the corners of his mono-lid eyes crinkling into pretty crescents. It was reminiscent of the past years, and Toriau felt nostalgic. If he could break down and sob all he wanted in front of Jungkook's mansion, he definitely would, but since he didn't want to eradicate the merry atmosphere surrounding the building, he held in his sentiments and slid his shoes right off his feet. His toes constricted within the space of the loafers curled subsequently, and he set foot into the spacious entrance of the mansion.

The room was already lit with warm lights coruscating off the metallic pieces, such as plates, or even the silver lines running down the legs of tables. It filled the space with the feeling of home — a feeling which Toriau had been longing for all these previous months without the support and warmth of his seven members. Eight made him complete, but those seven pieces were missing. But here he was, and this intricate piece stored inside his diaphragm was fulfilled.

Namjoon led Toriau along the long hallways that seemed endless, until he made a turn and they arrived in front of an open space which Toriau presumed, was the living room. Knowing Jungkook, Toriau was relieved the place was in one piece. The youngest may have bought his own apartment, but he always missed the embrace of his seven brothers. No matter how luxurious, or hell, even peaceful and more comfortable than their dormitory, the maknae always found himself back at the same old place, seeing the same old faces that filled him with a sense of happiness nothing could ever replace.

Six people were already sprawled over the couches situated handily in front of a wide, black screen. They didn't seem to be watching the television, rather relishing in the chatty conversations among themselves that would always end up in a petty argument, and a round of apologies. It was almost comical how quickly they would hate and love each other.

Upon Toriau and Namjoon's arrival, the six listless members jumped up from their spots, greeting the two with applauses, and shouts. Hoseok, especially, would be the first to pounce on them, and this day was no different. The man who embodied the sun rushed towards them, and clambered onto the plastic bags in Toriau's hand, not to help him, but to check out whether the second youngest had been thoughtful enough to buy reasonable gifts. In his opinion, Toriau spoilt them too much when it should be the other way around, but they were not complaining at the treatment.

"Living Buddha!" Hoseok grinned from ear-to-ear, and Toriau's face darkened at the newest nickname. During their shoot for their mv, Hoseok hadn't meant on walking in on the staffs' conversation, but he had, and he heard a snippet of their conversation mentioning how Toriau was like a saintly figure, like mother Mary, like a living Buddha! He had given himself such a good laugh he was met with back pain at night, to which Toriau hatefully declared it as retribution.

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