Questions with Toriau!

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English is bold
Korean is italic

"So. Today, we're back with a worldwide star. Ahn Toriau!", the MC said excitedly. "My name's Stevie"

"Ah yes. I'm Ahn Toriau. I'm on the show Stars", Toriau smiled at the camera
(A/N: It's a show I made up)

"These are questions asked by fans. Are you excited to answer them?"

"Yes!", Toriau said with enthusiasm. "I actually saw army's tweets on Twitter. Must say, it's nice"

Why haven't you show us Snow and Ice

"So this is the first question. They're asking you why you haven't show your dogs, Snow and Ice", Stevie said

"Ah...Snow and Ice", the corners of his lips went up. "Soon. Snow is a big dog while Ice is a small puppy. I won't tell you their color though", he winked

Would you be in a relationship with a guy? If so, who would it be? Why?

"I think I would be in a relationship with a guy, if he is a nice dude with an easy going personality", Toriau stretched his fingers. "I won't request for much. But if I have dated a guy, I think it would be EXO D.O sunbaenim


"Well, as far as I know. Kyungsoo sunbaenim seems like a good man with a kind heart, and I like that he is a type of a tsundere. ", Toriau said, rubbing his nape. "He seems like a great guy. cares in his own way"

"Hm...Why not your members?"

"My members? Well...that's awkward question. We're practically brothers at this point", Toriau said. "But they're all nice men with great personalities"

Who is your ideal type? For man and woman?

"For a woman. It's definitely Hyuna Noona", Toriau replied sheepishly. "Even if she's in a relationship, I know"

"And for a man...", Toriau continued. "I want someone like Namjoon hyung. He listens to my late night talks when I can't sleep. He also cares for me and expresses them in his actions"

"Oooh. You heard it everybody", Stevie teased

What's your life-time motto?

"Live your life like a bird", Toriau nodded in approval

"Just. Isn't it amazing to poop on people's car?", he said dreamily

Stevie and him shared a good laugh

What is the last song you played?

"Timeless. If you don't know, it's Namjoon hyung and Tiger sunbaenim's track. Go check it out", Toriau advertised

"Wow such a nice friend", Stevie said

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