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Korean is italic

Toriau was sitting in his room (which he shared with Jungkook), reading fan tweets, giggling at edits of him. The air-con blowing in the open-door room made the man feel cold, so he was decked out in a hoodie and long sweatpants. He scrolled up, and down, everywhere, looking for the most interesting tweet that would be able to pique his interest.

That was when he came across one particular tweet.

Y'all, I have found my religion

Toriau's frown turned upside down. Yes, it was interesting enough. How could a person be another's religion? That was for him to find out, and he loved discovering new things. He wiggled up against the soft mattress, pulling a pillow under his head. It was peaceful — him and his phone, and the noisy air-con with shutters that made agonizingly annoying noises. Maybe, it wasn't that peaceful, but he felt at ease.

"Me as a god? That's a concept I've never heard before. Does that mean I can become a god as long as I'm good-looking? Religious people are simps, huh," he murmured to himself, eyes twinkling under the dim light. He wanted to know what his fans were up to, what they wanted, so that he could provide them with quality content. Now that he thought about it, it was like he was a babysitter. But, we all know we would die for a babysitter like him.

Jungkook waltzed into the room tenaciously when he felt cold air hit his face. What was his lovely, anti-social hyung doing?

He closed the door softly so as not to disturb the elder who was so engrossed in reading even more tweets from the fans on his spam account used for stalking his own fans. Oops, I wasn't supposed to reveal that. But, now who was the sasaeng?

"Hyung. How many times do I have to tell you not to set the air conditioner to 16? And what did I say about closing the door?" Jungkook lightly scolded the elder with a big, teasing smile plastered on his lips. It was obvious that he cared a lot about his hyung's health, while it was supposed to be the other way around. That habit of caring came from the past, when Toriau was just a skinny teenager, and cried easily. He would always call him a crybaby, but in fact, he loved wiping away the salty tears of the older. Since the others babied him, he wanted to baby someone else. "Are you listening to me , Hyung?"

"Hm, I am, I am," came Toriau's sound of agreement. Jungkook's heart melted and he practically pounced on the bed, ready to cuddle the other to death when Toriau shoved a phone into the younger's face. "Look at this, Jungkook. I'm a god, someone worships me. Perhaps they even have a shrine of me. Isn't that cool? Isn't that really, really cool?"

Jungkook glanced at the phone distastefully. Why did this mechanic piece of mobile trash have to disturb his cuddling time with Toriau? It deserved to be thrown away. He gently grabbed the phone from Toriau's weak grasp and dropped it on the wooden bedside. They had two beds, but Jungkook preferred sleeping with Toriau. A habit, again. The nightmares were pretty harsh on the newly debuted hyung. But again, he was the one who slept with him through the long, sleepless nights, when Toriau would twist and turn, muttering I correct words in his sleep. "Hyung, why aren't you paying attention to me, and only to that thing? Hyung. Hyung, pay attention to me only."

Toriau turned, and allowed Jungkook to take away his phone. He smiled, then pecked the youngster on the forehead and made him rest on his arm. "Alright, alright. Here is my attention delivery, just for whiniest person in the world. You know what, Jungkook? You've helped me a ton when I was going through hard times. So, you're my religion. You're my god because I trust and believe in you".

Jungkook returned a sheepish smile. Finally, their alone time. Other than the attention delivery, he had tuned out on what Toriau was saying. He snuggled deeper into the elder's embrace, wanting to feel the warmth like a newly born baby. "You're too cheeky. You could have said I love you like a normal person, but you're weird. I love a weirdo. Now, go to sleep. It's already past 12 pm."

When Toriau closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with a peaceful smile, a soft voice came. "I love you too, hyung".

And the story of tsundere Jungkook began.

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