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Lexas POV

The doctor - Jackson - left then, to go and get something or someone. Clarke pulled up a chair and sat next to my bed. I saw her phone light up in her pocket and pointed to it. She pulled it out with a sigh.

"I should probably answer it right?" She asked, showing me her mothers name on her screen. I nodded, and she pressed the green button. "Hi mum." I could hear her mothers voice through the phone.

"Clarke, where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital."

"Why are you at the hospital? Why haven't you been answering my calls and texts?" Clarke looked at me and smiled ever so slightly.

"I told you, I was at a party. I'm at the hospital because Lexa has bruised ribs." There was a moment of silence before her mother spoke again, her voice quieter so that I enarly couldn't hear her.

"Clarke, I know you really like Lexa, but this is all too soon. You can't get married..." Clarke burst out laughing at her words and I fought to contian a smile.

"Mum, that was a dare from my friends. Nothing happened, I swear."

"Oh." There was silence again for a split second. "We'll talk when you get home." Dr Jackson entered the room again and smiled at me. I smiled thankfully back.

"So you definetely have bruised ribs." He said. "But they should heal up in a few weeks. Just limit physical activity."

I nodded, but felt slightly annoyed that I probably couldn't play netball for a month or so. Clarke finished talking to her mother and hung up, stowing her phone in her back pocket. Dr Jackson smiled at her before repeating the same instructions he had given me.

"Okay, thanks a lot." Clarke said, holding out a hand to help me up. Dr Jackson accompanied us down the hallway and opened the door for us. As we left, Clarke thanked him again, and then thanked the nurse that was at reception.

We headed back to my car, Clarke helping me into the passenger seat before getting into the drivers side again. She started driving through the empty streets, her eye only on the road. I watched her the whole way.

When we finally pulled up in my street I spotted Lunas car out the front. Clarke parked behind it and got out to help me. Even though I could walk just fine on my own, Clarke held me the whole way to the door. We stopped at the door, and I turned to her.

"I'm so sorry." I said. Clarke smiled sadly and shook her head.

"It wasn't your fault." She said. "Finns just being..." She trailed off as if she didn't have the right word.


"I should go." She mumbled hesitantly. "My mum probably wants to talk to me." I didn't want her to go but I nodded. Clarke sighed and leaned forward to kiss me. Her arms around me were gentle, probably trying not to hurt me. She was the one to finally pull away, stepping back a bit.

"Bye." I said, and watched as she turned and walked down the street, disappearing around the corner. I opened the door and headed inside.

I could hear one or two people in Lunas room upstairs, so I knocked first. There was a squeal from inside and someone giggled. Something rustled, and then the door opened.

"Hey Lex." Luna poked her head through the small opening. "What's up." I peered behind her, my eyes drawn to movement on her bed. Raven was sitting there, trying to hide a very dark blush. I raised my eybrows at my sister, who sighed.

"I'll leave you guys then." I turned to go, not wanting to see anything more. The door clicked shut behind me as I headed into my room. I didn't want to know what they were doing in Lunas room, so I closed the door firmly behind me and prayed they kept quiet. Mum and dad were out for the next few days, so Luna pretty much would do whatever she wanted.

I flopped down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling, my fingers tracing over the bruises on my ribs. I hated Finn so much, hated him with every cell of my body. He had no right to try and keep Clarke and I apart, yet he tried anyway.

I hoped that things could only get better from here, but somehow I knew that Finn would never stop. He had this creepy obsession with Clarke, and I was scared that he would take it even further than he had tonight. There was nothing I could do, he was much stronger than me, and he thought he had one up on me now. He did, but I would never let him know that I thought that.

Luckily Clarke hated him too, or at least was completely uninterested. The time I had walked in on them kissing seemed far behind me, and I also knew that Finn had forced himself onto Clarke. My phone rang suddenly and I jolted, scrambling to answer it. Who was even calling me at almost midnight?

"Hey Lexa!" Niylah said, sounding drunk. "Just checking you're all good after Finn beat you."

"He didn't beat me." I said, earning a laugh. "But yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks for checking." Niylah giggled down the phone.

"Okay, great. I'm going to go now, but I'll see you around okay?"

"Of course. Bye Niylah." I hung up and placed my phone next to me.

Reaching over, I turned out my light, not botheirng to change clothes or get under the covers. I just lay there in the darkness, my mind wide awake. Pictured of tonight swirled around behind my eyes, Clarke kissing me, Finn beating me. The look on Lunas face as Raven kissed her.

Trying to focus on only the good images, I fell asleep.

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