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Clarkes POV

"Me." Lexa said, sticking a hand on her hip and glaring at Finn. "What about me?" Finn rolled his eyes and turned to me. 

"Clarke, why don't you come with me?" He asked, holding out a hand. I looked at him in disgust. 

"Leave me alone." I tried to step around him but he stepped with me. "Go away Finn."

Finn smiled and stepped even closer to me. Suddenly Lexa was there, her body infront of mine, blocking Finn.

"Go away." Lexa almost growled. "How many times does she have to tell you?" Finn smirked and leant towards Lexa, acting like she was a small child.

"Oh yeah. What are you gonna do about it?" 

I could see the anger coarsing through Lexa, and I placed a hand on the small of her back. She relaxed slightly at my touch, but I knew she was still glaring daggers at Finn. One of her arms tensed and I looked down to see her right hand ball into a fist.

"Lexa, n..." I started to say, but it was too late.

Lexas hand flew up, and I tried to grab her arm. I wasn't fast enough, and watched as her fist flew into Finns stomach. It would be enough to knock the wind out of him but not enough to hurt him. Finn bent over, wheezing at the punch. I managed to grab Lexas arm, and held it to stop her hitting him again.

"Crazy b*tch." Finn said as he straightened up. I saw the glint in his eyes right before he kicked out, hitting Lexas ankles and making her crumple to the floor. Before she could crawl away, he kicked out again, hitting her in the ribs again and again. 

Lexa whimpered as each kick landed on her stomach as I yelled at Finn to stop. Someone stepped out of a neaby room and saw what was happening. The person grabbed Finn easily, stopping his attack on Lexa.

Roan looked down at us as he held Finn. I threw him a grateful glance before kneeling down next to Lexa.

"Lex." I murmured. "Are you okay?" Lexa reached out a hand and I helped her to sit up. She winced in pain, her other hand flying to her ribs. As the daughter of a doctor, I instantly worried about bruised ribs.

"What the hells going on?" Luna and Raven appeared, hand in hand. Luna gasped when she saw Lexa on the ground, and dropped next to her.

"What's wrong with her?" She asked. "What happened?"

"Finn happened." I said. "I think she might have bruised ribs."

Luna stood, glaring angrily at Finn. Roan still didn't let him go as Luna approached. She lifted a hand and slapped him hard across the face with a crack that rang around the room.

"Stay away from my sister." She said menacingly, before nodding to allow Roan to release Finn. Finn stumbled off, his eyes wide. I turned my attention back to Lexa, who was still breathing heavily.

"We should get you to the hospital." I whispered to her. Lexa opened her mouth to protest but I placed a finger over her lips. "My mother is a doctor, don't question me, please." Lexa sighed but nodded, and allowed me to help her up.

Luna caught my arm as I passed, her face worried. Raven was right behind her, looking on.

"I can't come." She said. "Take care of her for me."

"I will." I promised, smiling reassuringly. I helped Lexa slowly out of the door and down the driveway to her car. I opened the passenger door and lowered her into the seat. When I climbed in the drivers seat, Lexa passed me her car keys.

I started the car and slowly backed off the curb into the road, spinning the car around to go in the direction of the hospital. Lexa was holding her ribs, and I could tell she was in pain even though she didn't want to show it.

Parking outside the emergency department, I turned off the car and turned to her. She looked back at me, her eyes slightly fearful.

"You'll be okay." I mumbled comfortingly. "They're just going to check it out."

"Look." She said, lifting up her shirt to reveal her ribs. I sucked in a breath at the large bruises that were already blossoming across them.

"Yeah, let's go." I hopped out of the car and locked the car behind us as we started to walk, Lexa leaning on me ever so slightly. When I pushed open the door, a nurse looked up from a desk. We approached, and Lexa leant against the counter.

"How can I help?" The nurse asked.

"I'm pretty sure she had bruised ribs." I explained, gesturing to Lexa. "Someone...kicked her." The nurse nodded and pressed a few buttons on her computer.

"What's your name?" The nurse asked.

"Lexa Woods." Lexa said.

"Okay, take a seat and we'll find an available doctor." She told me, and I thanked her.

"Come on Lex." I murmured, leading her to the nearby seats. Lexa leaned her head on my shoulder as we sat down, one of her hands still wrapped around her ribs. The other one reached out to hold mine, and grapsed it tightly.

We sat for about ten minutes before a doctor came through the double doors and read out a name from a clipboard.

"Lexa Woods?" He asked, and I helped Lexa to stand. The doctor smiled at me as we approached. "Hi Clarke." I grinned back.

"Hey Jackson." I said back as we followed him through the doors. Jackson worked along my mum, so I knew him pretty well.

Jackson led us into a room off the main corridor and gestured for Lexa to lie down on a neaby bed. I helped her gently, trying not to bump her ribs. Jackson snapped on a pair of rubber gloves and I stepped back, leaning against the wall.

"I have to take a look at your ribs." He said to Lexa. "Do you mind?" Lexa shook her head and pulled up her shirt so he could take a look at her ribs. Jackson looked over them for a minute before pressing gently with one hand. Lexa winced. "Tender?" He asked.

"Yes." Lexa said through gritted teeth.

"You must have been hit pretty hard for this." Jackson stated. Lexa looked at me.

"Yeah, you could say that." She said.

Modern Clexa AUWhere stories live. Discover now