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Lexas POV

Clarke shut her bedroom door behind her and let out a happy sigh. I looked around her room, turning around to see everything she had on the walls.

"You have a nice room." I said. The walls were painted a light blue, and she had a pretty white desk with everything laid out neatly. I especially liked the paintings on the walls. There were flowers, animals, sunsets and scenery like mountains and trees.

"Do you like them?" Clarke asked, noticing my fixation with them. I nodded.

"They're brilliant." I said. "Who painted them? I should get some." Clarke smiled to herself and her cheeks reddened slightly.

"I did." She said, and I turned to her with wide eyes. I had known she was good at art, but not this good.

Clarke giggled at my surprised expression. She turned to her desk, and pulled a black book from a drawer. Flipping to the front page, she held out the book to me.

"This is where I draw all the people." She said. I took the book and slowly turned that pages. There were people I recognised like her mother, Raven and Octavia. I stopped at a page where a man looked vaguely familiar, but I didn't know how.

"Who's this?" I looked up at Clarke and realised that she looked slightly like the man. "Oh, is this your dad?" Clarke nodded and looked down at the drawing fondly. She looked away after a minute and I closed the book, not wanting to upset her.

Placing the book back on her desk, I tentatively placed a hand against her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

"Yeah." Clarke whispered. "I'm fine. I just miss him so much."

"I'm so sorry."

Clarke looked up and her eyes met mine. She shook her head.

"It's okay." She said, and then seemed to shake off her sadness. "We have a more important issue to deal with." She motioned downstairs and I knew she was talking about her mother.

I sighed, knowing how hard it is to come out to your parents. I had told Luna first, and she had helped me tell them. They were shocked, but I was happy that they didn't seem to mind.

"I mean, it's not really something you can plan a lot for." I said. "It just happens. We should probably make sure she's sitting down though." 

"Yeah, you're right." Clarke said. I arched one of my eyebrows and stuck a hand on my hip.

"I'm always right." I said sarcastically, making her burst out laughing. I laughed too, I couldn't help it. Her laugh was the infectious kind.

As our laughter died away, I noticed Clarke staring at me. Her hand lifted, and she carefully traced her fingers along my cheek. I shivered slightly, and leaned forward, our lips meeting. I felt Clarke gently kissing the very edges of my mouth, and I smiled. Clarke smiled too, and then she kissed me properly.

I felt my back hit the wall and almost laughed. Clarke giggled, sliding one of her hands up my arm to curl around my neck, tangling her fingers through my hair. Pulling back, I rested my head on the wall behind me, and we both caught our breath. Clarke took a tiny step back, running a hand through her hair.

Just in time too, because her mother chose that moment to knock on the door. I jumped, and Clarke quickly picked up one of schoolbooks from her open bag.

"Come in." She called, and the door cracked open. Abby smiled as she peered in, and then turned to Clarke.

"I was just wondering what time?" She asked. Clarke noticeably fidgeted.

"Soon." She eventually said. I looked between them confused. Abby noticed, and hurried to explain.

"Clarkes got a boyfriend coming round soon so I could meet him." She said. My heart fell, and I looked down. "I don't suppose you know anything about that?" She asked me, but I shook my head. The door clicked shut, and then I felt Clarkes hand pulling my chin up.

"Lexa, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned. I looked into her eyes, knowing that mine betrayed the emotions running through me.

"Who's the boy?" I whispered, only half wanting to know the answer. I should have known it would end like this, that Clarke would get tired of me and move on. But I hadn't expected it to be in just one day.

To my surprise, Clarke burst out laughing. I frowned at her and she stopped, wiping away tears of laughter from her eyes.

"Oh Lex." She said, the nickname slipping out as if by accident. "There's no boy." I blinked and then looked to where Abby was standing before.


"Oh my gosh!" Clarke laughed again. "No! My mum just assumes things. She heard me talking to you yesterday, and assumed a boy had asked me. I just didn't correct her."

"So, no boy?" I double checked. Clarke smiled and kissed my cheek.

"No boy." She said. "Just you." I couldn't help but smile back. I knew that I overreacted sometimes, but Clarke didn't seem to mind.

I took a deep breath and then straightened my shirt, which had gotten crumpled when I was against the wall. Clarke looked to the door.

"Should we just get this over with?" She asked, sounding like she hoped I would say no. "Do it fast, like ripping off a plaster?" I laughed at her comparison.

"I'd rather the plaster." I said, and Clarke rolled her eyes. "But why not. I mean, she's going to react the same whether we do it now or later."

Clarke took a shaky breath and nodded. We headed downstairs and I could tell by the banging around that Abby was in the kitchen. Clarke turned to me before we went in.

"Are you okay with this?" She asked. "We can put it off until both of us are ready." 

"I'm fine." I said. "But are you?" Clarke looked unsure but nodded anyway. I motioned to the kitchen door and we went in. Abby looked up as we entered and she smiled.

"Hey girls! What's up?" Clarke took another deep breath before speaking.

"Actually mum, we need to talk to you."

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