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Clarkes POV

I had everything set out on my desk for the next day. My bag, my books, my pencil case, everything. I was nervous to start at my new school, but there was so point on worrying.

"Clarke!" My mum called up the stairs. "Don't stay up too late okay?"

"Okay!" I called back. Even though it was only nine o'clock, I turned out my light and climbed under my covers. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.



"Ugh." I groaned as I lifted my arm and tapped my alarm to stop the blaring noise. Rolling out of bed, I narrowly avoided a collision with the floor. Stumbling to regain my balance, I rolled my eyes at myself and went to open my door.

Down in the kitchen I found mum making pancakes. She looked up as I came in and smiled warmly.

"Morning Clarke." She flipped a pancake onto a nearby plate. "Are you excited for your first day at your new school?"

"I guess." I plopped down in a nearby chair. "Good thing that Octavia and Raven both go there, of I would be so much nervous." It was a stroke of luck that mum picked the one school I had friends at. I mean, sure I had other friends at my old school but it was nice to be able to know someone.

Mum nodded and then placed a plate on front of me, piled with pancakes and fresh strawberries. I thanked her before picking up my fork and digging in. Just as I finished, I heard my phone buzz and saw it light up on the table. It was a text from Raven.

Raven: We're ten minutes away Griffin! 

Clarke: I'll be outside

I put my phone back on the table and headed upstairs to get changed before Raven got here. Upstairs, I put on my favourite white shirt - the one with the wide neckline - and blue jeans. Rushing now, I quickly brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my hair.

Clattering down the staris with my bag, I grabbed my phone off the table and shouted a goodbye to my mum as I raced out the door. Raven was just pulling up, and she waved at me as I clambered into the passenger seat next to her.

"Hey Griff." She said, and laughed when I crinkled my nose at the nickname. "You ready?" I shrugged.

"Nope. Let's go." 

We drive with the windows down since it was so hot outside. When we arrived at Polis High ten minutes later, I could see Octavia waiting for us under the shades. She spotted the car and jogged across the carpark to meet us.

"Hey Clarke!" She greeted me, throwing her arms around my neck before I even got out of the car. I stumbled and caught myself on the door.

"Hey." I laughed as she stepped back. I slung my bag over my back and waited with Octavia as Raven locked her car and then came around to meet us. 

"We still have a while before first class, do you want to come meet everyone?" Raven asked. "They're over there." She pointed to a table under the shades, where five people sat. I nodded and we headed over.

When we got closer, I saw that it was five boys, and they all turned as I approached. The only two I recognised was Lincoln, who was Octavia's boyfriend, and Bellamy who was her brother.

"Clarke." Raven said. "You know Lincoln and Bellamy. This is Finn." She pointed to a boy with floppy brown hair. He grinned at me and gave me a small wave. "Monty..." A boy with black hair. "and Jasper." A boy with cool looking goggles waved at me.

The boy called Finn moved over and motioned for me to sit in the space he made. I put my bag under the table and sat next to him.

"So, Clarke." Jasper said. "I have a question."

"Yeah?" I said, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other. Jasper grinned and Monty nudged him, almost like he was telling hom not to say it.

"Are you staright or gay?"

I blinked, this was not the question I thought he'd ask. I opened my mouth to answer, but snapped it closed again when Monty butted in.

"Jasper, really? Clarke, don't answer if you don't want too."

Octavia spluttered and I glared at her.

"It's fine." I said. "I'm not either."

"She's bi." Octavia supplied. I nodded.

I had told Octavia and Raven about this maybe three months ago. They had sworn not to tell anyone, but I didn't mind being out anymore. It was just, sometimes people had a bad reaction. I hoped these people were different.

"That's fine." Finn said. "No problem with it." Everyone nodded, agreing with him. I sighed in relief. 

"Yeah." Jasper agreed. "All cool."

Just then, the bell rang. I stood up and fished my bag out from under the table and pulled my timetable out of my pocket. In first period, I had maths with Mr Kane.

"You're in maths with me and O right?" Raven asked. "With Mr Kane?"


"Cool. We'll see you guys later!" She waved to the boys and we walked to maths class. The teacher was sitting at his desk when I entered. He looked up when I stopped at his desk.

"Clarke Griffin?" He asked, and he smiled when I nodded. "I'm Mr Kane."

Raven patted my arm before going off to sit in her seat next to Octavia. I surveyed the classroom, it was mostly full. A few people I vaguely recognised, probably from seeing them around town or something.

"Clarke?" Mr Kane asked, and I turned my attention back to him. "I've put you next to Ms Woods on the seating plan. Right over there." He pointed. I thanked him and then headed to my seat, conveniently right behind Octavia and Raven.

Octavia turned around and smiled as I sat down behind her. The person who I was sitting with - who Mr Kane had called Ms Woods - wasn't there yet. 

"Oh, he put you with Lexa." Raven said. That must be her name - Lexa Woods.

"What's she like?" I asked. "Is she nice?" Raven made a face.

"I mean, she's nice enough. She's one of those popular girls, but I guess she's fine."

"Raven, come on." Octavia complained. "Lexa is really nice. You just don't like her as much because she beat you on that test one time."

I laughed, Raven was known for holding small grudges against people for the silliest reasons. Just then, I heard the chair behind me scrape back. I looked over to see a girl sliding into the seat next to me.

She was tall, with long brown hair and green eyes. Octavia giggled and I realised I was staring. I quickly stopped and smiled at the girl.

"I'm Clarke." I said. "New student. Mr Kane told me to sit here." 

She smiled, and stuck out her hand.

"I'm Lexa." She said. "Nice to meet you."

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