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Clarkes POV

I had just finished getting changed when I heard a knock on the door. I gave my outfit one final glance before I headed downstairs. I was wearing a plain blue shirt with white jeans and a dark denim jacket. 

When I opened the door, Lexa looked me up and down and then smiled sweetly.

"You look great." She said. 

"So do you." I said. We smiled at each other for a minute and then she took a step towards the car parked on the side of the road.

"Shall we?" I nodded and took one step out of the door before remembering.

"Bye mum!" I called back into the house. "I'll be back later." 

"Clarke..." She said before I shut the door. I would tell her later about Lexa, just not now. I followed Lexa down the path and she opened the door for me so I could get in.

"Thanks." I smiled as the hopped in after me and closed the door.

"You must be Clarke." A boy said from the drivers side. "I'm Roan." I nodded and he started the engine. Lexa leaned forward and lay her chin on the seat infront of her to talk to Niylah, who was in the passenger seat.

"How did you even get him to come?" She murmured to her. "I thought it would be a lot harder." I didn't hear Niylah's response.

Just then, I realised that Lexa had never told me what concert we were going too.

"Lexa, who's concert is this?" Lexa laughed, probably realising she never told me.

"Taylor Swift." She said, and then both her and Niylah burst out laughing when I glanced at Roan. Just like Lexa asked, now I wanted to know how he was here.

Roan rolled his eyes but ignored us as we all laughed at the amused expression he had. Lexa scooted back in her seat and turned to me, not saying anything, just looking at me. I gazed back, lost in the colour of her emerald eyes.

Niylah mimed throwing up in the front seat, and Lexa shot out a hand to gently smack her arm. This made Roan laugh too, and Lexa raised her eyebrows at me.

"You two are so cute, it's digusting." Niylah commented, but neither of us responded.

We drove for about half an hour, before we were forced to slow down because of the traffic heading into the concert. When we passed the first checkpoint, Niylah merely rolled her window down and handed a card to the security person.

She must have been important, because we were directed through to another carpark that was almost empty, and as close to the stadium as you could get. Niylah then handed out our tickets, before we opened the car doors and stepped out.

Instantly, I could her the buzz of hundreds of thousands of people as they entered the stadium. We started walking, and then I felt Lexa take my left hand in her right.

"Is this okay?" She whispered, and I nodded. Where her hand was pressed against mine, it felt like there was electricity flowing from my hand to the rest of my body.

"Come on lovebirds." Niylah called, beckoning us forward. Lexa groaned but sped up, and we caught up to them just as we entered through the gates. The blinding light coming from the stage made me shield my eyes, and I had limited vision as we made our way to our seats.

Lexa stopped in front of me, and I almost bumped into her. We must have the best seats in the whole stadium. I could see the entire stage without having to move. 

I could see Roan take Niylahs hand, and I smiled as she leant her head on his shoulder. Lexa smiled too, a happy, sweet smile that made my breath catch in my throat. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the stage turn a bright red, and turned to see a massive picture of Taylor Swift appear on the screen.

The whole stadium of people screamed in delight as Taylor Swift made her appearance, strutting onto the stage. She launched straight into her first song - Red. I sung along, waving my free hand in the air like everyone else. When she finished, everyone cheered again and I almost had to cover my ears.

I looked over at Lexa to see her fixated on me.

"What?" I asked, a massive smile plastered over my face. She tilted her head on one side.

"You're beautiful." She said, so quietly that I almost couldn't hear her. I flushed, looking down at my feet, trying to hide how much her comment made me happy.

I opened my mouth to reply, but was drowned out by Taylor Swift singing along to her next song. Lexa joined in, her sweet voice soaring.

"...It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight, to fall in love with strangers..." She looked right at me, and I couldn't help but join in.

"...We're happy, free, confused and lonley at the same time..." I sang, bouncing along to the beat of the song. Lexa laughed happily and I laughed with her, lost in the moment. Niylah grabbed my free hand and she danced with us, waving her hand in the air and singing along. 

"...I gotta have you!" We all sung together, and cheered along with everyone else. Niylah seemed to consider something for a second, and then let go of my hand and turned to Roan, who was enjoying himself immensely.

Lexa and I watched in disbelief as Niylah boldly stood on the tips of her toes, and pressed her lips to Roans. I looked away, letting them have their private moment. Sometimes I wish I could be that confident.

For the next few songs, Lexa and I sung and danced together, lost in each other. This was the happiest I'd been in a long time, and I made the most of it. Taylor Swift started on my personal favourite from this album, and I sung along enthusiactically.

As I sung the second to last chorus, I noticed again that Lexa was just watching me. I stopped singing and looked quizically.

"...All I know is a simple name, and everything has changed. All I know is you held the door, you'll be mine and I'll be yours." Taylor Swift sung on. As she sung that last line, Lexa stepped forward. Her one hand that wasn't holding mine reached up, and tentatively she rest it against my face.

I looked up into her eyes, and I that I could register is that they were very close to mine, before her lips pressed softly against mine.

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