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Lexas POV

I hung up the phone and sighed in relief. Clarke had said yes. I could not believe that Clarke had said yes, to go out on a date, with me.

"So." Luna poked her head around the corner and studied me. "How did it go? Did she say yes?" I rolled my eyes.

"Were you listening?" I asked, exasperated. Luna made a guilty expression, of course she had. She would never leave me alone.

"Did she say yes?" Luna almost begged, flopping down onto the couch opposite me. "Give me deatils Lex, please."

I folded my arms and didn't say anything. Luna groaned and threw a pillow at me. I caught it and placed it on the ground near my feet, still not saying anything.

"Come on." Luna whined. "You can't keep things from me." I tried to keep a straight face but failed, breaking into a huge smile as Clarkes words echoed in my head.

"She said yes." I said, and Luna theatrically punched the air. "We're going with Roan and Niylah to the concert tomorrow."

"How did Niylah get two extra tickets?" Luna asked.

"Her parents." I said, and Luna nodded. Niylahs parents were loaded, and always spoiled her rotten. But Niylah had never turned out like one of the spolied brats you saw on TV. She was a really nice girl.

I head Lunas phone ring from the next room and sighed in relief, she would stop grilling me for now. Just to get her back, I tilted my head on one side and pulled a fake quizzical face.

"Who's that Luna? Your boyfriend?" I asked innocently. Luna jumped up and half ran out of the room, glaring at me before she left. I laughed to myself and balanced my phone in my hand. I could not stop smiling, and I probably looked like an idiot.

I had only gathered up the courage to ask Clarke on a date because I thought that she had almost kissed me yesterday.

When she had cried after telling me about her dad, I had glanced down at her lips. Clarke had leaned forward but we had been quickly interrupted by Octavia. Maybe it was best, if someone had seen us kissing on the field, rumours would have spread like wildfire.


Clarkes POV

I stuck my phone back in my pocket and rejoined everyone in the kitchen. Mum looked up as I came in and then straightened and put her hands on her hips.

"Who was that Clarke?" She asked. Before I could answer she spoke again. "Because you were in the next room, somone asked you on a date."

Suddenly, I was so glad that I hadn't actually said Lexas name when I was talking to her. Otherwise mum would have known, and I still wasn't ready to tell her yet. I would tell her when...if things went well with Lexa and I.

I realised that mum was still waiting for an answer, and scrambled for an excuse.

"Just...someone?" I tried to get away with no answer. Mum sighed and turned to Raven and Octavia, her expression making it clear that she wanted an answer from them.

"How would we know?" Raven protested.

"Yeah, I don't know who's calling Clarke." Octavia chimed in. They were both terrible liars, and I knew that mum could see right through them. But luckily, she let it drop, for now.

"Fine, keep your secrets. But you are going to tell me who it is before the date." She half threatened me, but I knew she meant well. It's not like she was going to let me ge out with a random person she hadn't met yet.

I smiled and nodded, telling myself that I would go along with it now, and sneak out of something. But when Lexa picked me up, mum would recognise her car. Oh well, I would deal with it later.

Raven laughed at my frown and then checked the time on her phone.

"I have to go." She said. "My parents want me home soon. Want a ride O?" Octavia nodded and I walked with them to the door.

Octavia turned before she followed Raven to her car.

"How on earth are you going to tell her?" She asked, voicing my own thoughts.

"No idea, I'll figure something out." I shrugged and waved as Octavia hopped into Ravens car and they drove away.

When I turned around, I almost jumped in fright. Mum was standing right behind me, obviously having heard what Ovtavia said.

"Tell me what?" She folded her arms, a sure sign that I wouldn't get out of it this time.

"She wasn't talking about you." I tried a different tactic. "She was talking about how I was going to tell my teacher that I hadn't read the novel we're studying yet, and the class is already halfway through."

I was really surprised that mum didn't question me. Actually, she seemed to believe me. She nodded and turned to go back into the kitchen. I breathed out a sigh and escaped to my room before she could question me further.

When I got to my room, I opened my computer and sat at my desk, waiting while it powered up. It loaded the login screen, and I tapped in my password. Closing all the tabs that popped up, I opened my email and tapped on a new message.

It was from Finn. I frowned as I opened the email, which had been sent during english class according to my timetable and the time recieved. He must have noticed that I had disappeared.

Finn: Hi Clarke, I hope you don't mind that I asked Raven for your email. She told me that you got sick and went home. Anyway, I was just wondering if you could meet me before school beause there's something I want to talk to you about. I'll be outside on the field.

I frowned, wondering what he wanted. I didn't bother responding, knowing Finn would wait for me even if I didn't. There were a couple of emails from online shops talking about their specials, which I quickly deleted.

Shutting my computer, I leant back on my chair and traced mindless patterns on the desktop. I replayed Lexas words over and over in my mind, wanting Thursday evening to be now.

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