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Lexas POV

Clarke kissed me, and pulled away after a few seconds. The group of people sitting on the couch gasped slightly. Finn looked really angry now, and I shot him a smug look.

"Does that answer your rumours?" Clarke snapped at the group, but also Finn in particular. "Lexa did not attack me, Finns just a complete asshole."

The girls sitting with Finn tittered nervously, and a few left, throwing disgusted looks at Finn. One came over and stopped infront of us.

"Sorry." She said, looking at the ground. "We shouldn't assume things." Clarke and I both half-smiled and nodded, and then watched the girls leave. Finn was left alone on the couch, looking dejected. Ignoring him, I held out my hand to Clarke.

"Dance with me?" I asked. Clarke arched an eyebrow but nodded, slipping her hand into mine. I led her into the main room, and into the throng of people. She let go of my hand and raised her hands in the air, bouncing to the beat of the music.

I smiled widely as we danced to song after song, my breath getting heavier and heavier. After five or so songs I had to stop. Clarke looked as tired as I felt, and we headed over to the drinks. Niylah was sitting on one end of the table, sipping out of a whiskey bottle.

She raised the bottle as we approached, and I made a face at her.

"Don't judge." She said. "I just saw my ex-girlfriend." I nodded and then Clarke handed me a drink. 

"What is it?" I asked, and Clarke winked.

"Try it and find out." She said, tipping up her cup and drinking. I sighed but took a sip. I instantly made a face, and Clarke laughed. Niylah grinned and then Roan appeared. He looked drunk already.

Niylah smiled up at him, and he whispered in her ear. A dazzling smiled lit up her face, and she waved goodbye to us before Roan took her hand and led her away, winding through the dancing people.

"So hows the drink?" Clarke asked. I shook my head at her but took a long drink from the cup, trying not to make a face at the sharp taste. Clarke burst out laughing and finished off her drink, chucking her cup into a nearby trashcan that was already half-full. 

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned to see Luna, with Raven right behind her. I smiled at them.

"Come with us." Luna yelled over the music. "Bring Clarke." I took Clarkes hand and followed Luna and Raven out of the room. They led us through the massive house until we could barely hear the party. We entered a room that contained Octavia, Lincoln, Bellamy, Monty, Jasper, Niylah, Roan, and a couple of other people I knw by sight.

"How big is this house?" Clarke said quietly, now that we could hear each other. Everyone laughed and Octavia patted the space next to her. Clarke sat down, pulling me with her. Niylah got up to close the door and also pulled a bolt across.

"What is this?" I asked, looking around. Niylah grinned and sat back down next to Roan. 

"I have summoned you here to play a game." She said seriously before bursting out laughing when we all looked at her. "Okay, I wanted to play truth or dare spin the bottle edition." We all either smiled, laughed, or groaned at her revelation.

"We're not kids Niylah!" Luna complained. "Let's do it." Even though it was childish, I was kind of excited for the game. Clarke smiled at the goofy smile on my face as Niylah produced a large plastic water bottle.

She placed it on the ground and spun it expertly. It whirled around and around before it finally came to stop, pointing directly at Monty.

"Truth." He said. Niylah thought for a second before speaking.

"Have you kissed someone in this room?" She asked. Monty flushed, and I noticed another girl look down, trying to hide a smile.

"Yes." He stuttered, and everyone whooped. "Okay, my turn." He quickly grabbed the bottle and spun it. It landed right on me, and I groaned.

"Dare." I challenged, waiting for the worst.

"I dare you to kiss someone in this room of your choice." He sat back with a grin. Obviously, no one had told him about Clarke and I yet. Luna, Raven, Octavia, Niylah and Roan all smirked, knowing who I would choose.

"Fine." I sighed. "If I have too."

I leaned over to my left and placed on hand on the side of Clarkes head, pulling her face around. I kissed her, and felt her respond under my lips. If anyone had ever suspected anything before, they definetely knew now. 

Clarke kissed me back, and we pulled away only when Octavia made a loud throwing up sound from behind Clarke. Raven laughed and everyone who didn't know about Clarke and I before this was staring open-mouthed.

To take the attention away from myself, I spun the bottle and waited while it slowed. It pointed towards Luna, and I grinned to myself.

"Truth." She said quickly, looking at the mischievous expression on my face. 

"Do you like someone sitting directly next to you?" I asked. She was sitting in between Raven and me. Luna made a face.

"Yeah." She mumbled, and Raven flushed. I grinned smugly and Luna hit me on the arm. Everyone fell about laughing as Raven and Luna both blushed, refusing to look at each other. I pushed the bottle towards Luna and she spun it, and it landed on Octavia.

"Truth." Octavia said.

"Tell us something that you would only ever tell your best friends." Luna challenged, and Octavia thought for a second.

"Okay, but Bellamy?" She asked. "Please don't kill me." Bellamy raised an eyebrow.

"Depends." He mumbled. Octavia looked nervous as she spoke.

"Umm, I got a tattoo of a heart on my back." She said. Clarkes mouth dropped open and so did everyone elses. Bellamy was visibly fuming, looking like he was trying to hold himself back.

"Let's see!" Raven squealed. Octavia lifted her shirt up to reveal the heart. We all leaned closer to get a better look.

"Your parents will kill you." Clarke mumbled, and everyone laughed.

I slipped an arm around her waist, leaning my head against her shoulder. This was the happiest I had been in a while.

Modern Clexa AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon