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Clarkes POV

I waved until Lexa was out of sight, and then turned to go inside. The lights were still on - mum was waiting up for me. I knew she would press for details, and I had to think of a way to get around it for now.

"Clarke?" Mum called. I followed her voice and found her in the lounge.

"Hey." I sat down on the couch opposite her. She frowned.

"You look happy. Like, really happy." I shrugged and tried to control the huge smile on my face. "I take it your date went well?" She started to press for details. I tried to play it down a bit.

"Yeah, it was fun." I would say the bare minimum, so she would hopefully ask less questions. Probably guessing that I didn't want to tell her, she sighed.

"Clarke, I know you want your freedom. But you have to understand that I want you to be safe." I nodded but still didn't say anything. "So, I would prefer to know who you're out with so I know you're okay."

"I know." I knew she meant well, but I couldn't tell her now. Maybe I would ask Lexa and we could tell her tomorrow, together.

"So, Clarke." Mum said, and I knew she was going to ask the one question I couldn't answer. "When can I meet him?" I flinched slightly when she said 'him' but it wasn't her fault since she didn't know anything.

"Tomorrow." I decided, and mum nodded. 

"Wait, don't you have school tomorrow?" She asked, frowning.

"No." I shook my head. "Teacher only day."

"Oh, okay then."

Taking that as the end of the conversation, I quickly said goodnight and hurried up the stairs. I knew Lexa would probably be asleep, but I texted her anyway.

Clarke: Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow? My mums getting pushy and I think we should tell her

To my surprise, Lexa responded almost immediately.

Lexa: Sure, if you're ready, What time?

Clarke: Does around eleven work for you?

Lexa: Yeah, see you then.

Clarke: Okay

I chucked my phone on my bed and grabbed my pyjamas out from under my pillow, heading for the bathroom. I almost didn't recognise the person staring out of the mirror at me.

Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were sparkling. She looked, happy. I smiled at myself and picked up my toothbrush.

When I was changed and ready for bed, I moved my phone off my bed to put it away only to see a message from Lexa. 

Lexa: ❤️

I smiled, and put my phone on my desk. Climbing under the covers, I leaned over and switched off the light. In the darkness, I stared up at the ceiling, and I fell asleep quickly.


My alarm clock woke me up the next day and I groaned, remembering I had forgot to turn it off. I didn't have to get up early today, but I did anyway. Mum was still asleep and  I decided I would start to soften her up for when I told her about Lexa.

Down in the kitchen, I started getting the ingredients out for blueberry pancakes, which was her personal favourite. She came down just as I was sliding the last few pancakes onto a plate.

"Good morning." She said in surprise, rubbing her eyes. "What's this for?"

"Do I need an excuse?" I asked, giving her a hug. Of course, being the mother she was, she saw right through me. Her eyes narrowed.

"You're trying to soften me up aren't you?" I squirmed under her gaze and tried to hide it my turning the tap on and swirling the hot water to start the dishes. Mum laughed. "Have it your way Clarke. You'll get the same reaction out of me whether you try hard or not. When is he coming over?"

I still didn't correct her about the 'he', I would do that later.

"Later." I said, not wanting to tell her the excat time otherwise she would know the second she saw Lexa. "Not one hundred percent sure." Mum shrugged and took the plate of pancakes I offered.

"That's fine. We're here all day."

I washed the dishes slowly, and then dried them very carefully to take up time. By the time I was finished, it was only eight-thirty. I ate my own breakfast slowly aswell, but that only killed fifteen minutes.

I hated waiting.

Heading upstairs, I got changed into plain jeggings and my purple v neck top that had straps crossing on the neckline. Mum raised an eyebrow at me when I went downstairs.

"You look nice." She commented, and I shrugged. 

"I'm going for a walk." I said, and mum opened her mouth to protest. "I'll be back soon, I promise." I knew she thought I was trying to get out of her meeting my date from last night, but really I was just trying to kill more time. 

I shut the door behind me and headed down the path. When I got to the side of the road, I went the opposite way I knew Lexas house was. I walked for a long time, just winding through the streets before I got to the park.

There weren't many people around, just the occasional jogger and someone with a dog. I wove through the trees for a while, not sticking to the path. When I eventually checked my phone, I abruptly turned and walked fast back the way I'd come.

It was already quarter past ten, and I knew it took a while to get here. Walking fast, I got back home with ten minutes to spare. Mum was now upstairs, and it sounded like she was having a shower.

I waited in the lounge for a bit, tapping my foot on the ground. Mum came in after five minutes, rubbing her wet hair with a towel.

"You okay?" She asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Fine." I said, and Mum shrugged. She started going back upstairs, and then we both heard a knock on the door.

"Is that him?" Mum asked and I shrugged. I headed for the door and opened it. Lexa stood on the step, and she smiled when she saw me.

"Hey." She said. I saw mum out of the corner of my eye, and realised that she didn't know Lexa.

"Mum, this is Lexa. You've heard about her." Lexa smiled at my mum.

"Nice to meet you Mrs Griffin."

"Call me Abby, please." Mum said. "It's nice to meet you Lexa. I didn't know you were coming over."

"Yeah, its just something for school." I said, and stepped aside to let Lexa in. Mum nodded and left to go into the kitchen. Lexa and I both sighed at the same time, and I waited while she stepped out of her shoes. "Should we go upstairs?" I asked.

Lexa nodded, and we headed upstairs, closing the door behind us.

Modern Clexa AUWhere stories live. Discover now