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Clarkes POV

By the end of the lesson, I had a rough sketch that I was pretty happy with. Lexa snuck a peek at mine and then stopped me with her hand on my arm.

"That's really good." She said. "Like, really good." I smiled happily and then looked at hers. 

"Hey, yours is amazing too." I complimented her, taking it from her and handing it to the teacher for her to keep it until next lesson. We picked up our bags and headed outisde for morning break. I was going to head for Raven and the group, but paused when I remembered Lexa.

She was standing awkwardly next to me, looking torn. I smiled and then changed my mind about where I was going.

"Do you want to sit with me?" I asked nervously, but then Lexa nodded.

"With your friends?" She asked doubtfully. "Some of them don't like me very much." I saw how much this hurt her, and shook my head.

"No, I was going to sit under the trees on the field. You know, you don't have to come, it's okay if you..." Lexa surprised me by stepping and and placing her hand gently on my shoudler.

"I'll come." She said, and I smiled. We headed off towards the field and I ignored the looks I knew I was getting from everyone I usually sat with. It was only when I rounded the corner into the field that I knew they couldn't see me anymore.

Lexa instinctively headed for a certain tree, and I wondered if she sat here a lot. Where did her friends sit? I wondered. I shook the thought off and sat next to Lexa, leaning on the tree.

"Hey Clarke." She said, looking down at her knees. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want too, but I was just wondering... you just didn't...why you left your old school."


I swallowed and then looked up at Lexa. She was looking at me worridly, but I smiled to shake off the sadness I could feel building inside me.

"No, I'll try." I took a deep breath. "Last year, a man with a gun came to my school. No one knows who he was or what he wanted. My dad came to pick me up and he tried to get the man to stand down." I felt my eyes fill with tears and quickly wiped them away.

"Clarke." Lexa murmued. "You don't have to tell me."

"I know. It's okay. Anyway, that was just my dad, it was natural for him to save others before himself. But it went wrong, the man with the gun, he...he shot him. Right in the chest before he ran away. I had to see my own father die in my arms, and there was nothing I could have done. My mum didn't want me to be at that school anymore, just in case."

I stopped then, because tears were now flowing freely down my face. There were too many to wipe away - because as soon as I did - new ones quickly replaced them. 

Lexa hesitated for a second before she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I clung to her, grateful for her support. My tears slowed after a minute and it was a minute later that I raised my head. I froze for a second, Lexas face was so close to mine.

I saw her glance down at my lips, but she didn't do anything. She bit her lip and I leaned foward slightly, so that her lips were inches from mine.

"Clarke!" I heard Octavias familiar voice calling me. Pulling away from Lexa, I looked around as she approached. "What's wrong?" She asked as she saw my tear stained face. I opened my mouth to explain, but instead I burst into tears.

Octavia knelt down next to me and I could hear Lexa whisper a few words over my head.

"She told me about her father." That was all the information Octavia needed. She turned to me and whispered in a low voice.

"Do you want to leave?" She asked. I had had this reaction to talking about the sibject before, and Octavia always knew what I needed. I nodded, and then Lexa held out a hand to help me up.

I stood slowly, trying to wipe away the tears that were streaming down my face, or at the least keep them at bay for a while. Octavia nodded and then we walked slowly to the office. Raven ran up to me halfway there, and I heard Octavia speaking to her in a low voice.

When we arrived at the office, Octavia headed up to the front desk with me right behind her. Lexa didn't leave, though she could have.

"Clarke Griffin." Octavia gave my name to the receptionist. There was the tap of a keys and then I was cleared to go. Before I arrived here, my mum had called the school to let me leave if this ever happened.

"I can take her home." Lexa volunteered. "It's no trouble." Raven and Octavia didn't object, and waited with me while Lexa got a pass to leave aswell.

When she was done, the three of them walked with me to Lexas car. Raven and Octavia both gave me a hug, and promised to come see me later. I watched them walk away before the sound of an opening car door made me turn. Lexa was holding the passenger door open and I smiled at her before I got in, closing it behind me.

Lexa got into the drivers side and started the car. I watched the school fade away into the distance as she drove down the street, stopping at a red light.

"I'm so sorry Clarke." Lexa said. I looked over, confused. "It's my fault you're so upset. I'm sorry about that." I shook my head.

"Lexa, this is normal. I'm so sorry you had to see that. It wasn't fair." The car moved forward as the light turned green, and Lexa responded with her eyes on the road.

"If I had known how upset it could make you, I never would have asked."

I nodded and looked out of the window again. Ten minutes passed in silence before Lexa pulled onto my street.

"It's number seven." I supplied, and she parked on the street next to my house. Neither of us moved for a minute, and then I sighed and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Do you need anything else?" Lexa offered, and I shook my head.

"No, but thank you for droppig me home. I'll text you later?" Lexa nodded and then looked at me, her eyes sad.

"Bye." She whispered, before leaning over the centre console and kissing me on the cheek. Dazed, I got out of the car and headed to my front door. When I looked back, Lexa waved and I waved back before I opened the front door and went inside.

Modern Clexa AUWhere stories live. Discover now