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Lexas POV

Clarke sighed as I kissed her, and she gently wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling me closer. The concert seemed to fade around me, and everything in my world became Clarke. She kissed me back sweetly, lovingly.

I pulled back the slightest bit to catch my breath, and carefully rested my head against Clarkes. She sighed happily and I couldn't help but kiss her again. My heart raced in my chest so fast that I swear Clarke could probably hear it.

Clarke pulled back this time, and I opened my eyes to see her sparkling blue eyes gazing into mine.

"Lexa." She murmured, one of hands tracing small patterns on my wrist. I smiled, and saw the corners of her mouth crinkle up in response. I heard Niylah laugh loudly from over Clarkes shoulder, and looked up to see her staring at us.

She winked at me when I looked at her, and I just shook my head. Taylor Swift had started on a new song without us even noticing, and we started singing along again. Clarke didn't look away from me the entire song, and I found myself unable to look away either.

Once the song ended, there was the briefest moment where we could hear each other speak over the noise of the crowd.

"Clarke." I said, stepping closer so only she could hear me. "I...I like you a lot you know." Clarke blushed but didn't look away, and a dazzling smiled lit up her face.

"Me too." She whispered, before closing the small gap between us and pressing her lips to mine. I let myself get lost in the feel of her lips, and I only registered that something was wrong when Clarke abruptly pulled away, looking at something over my shoulder. The look on her face as she stared at whatever it was, it was a mixture of disbelief and horror.

When I followed her line of sight, I spotted not what, but who she was staring at. As I spotted the person, I held back a gasp.

Finn. He was staring directly at us, with a half angry, half disbelieving look on his face. 

Well, this was awkward.

Clarke pressed her lips together and turned away from him, facing the complete other way. I rubbed her shoulder, trying to be comforting. 

"Just forget it." She mumbled, straightening up and smiling. "It doesn't matter." I looked at her, unsure.

"Okay." I said eventually. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm great." Her smile was genuine now, and she started humming along to the song. I smiled, and then started to sing along.

The rest of the concert passed quicker than I thought, the time whizzing by in a blur. Before I knew it, we were stumbling along in a crowd of people as we made for the exit. It got better once we split from the main group, as Roans car was parked in the carpark reserved for the people that bought the most expensive tickets.

It took us a few minutes to find the car in the darkness, but eventually we found it and clambered inside. As Roan started driving, Clarke rested her head on my shoulder and I put one arm around her shoulders.

When we pulled up at Clarkes house after half an hour, I noticed that she had fallen asleep. I gently shook her awake, and she sat up straight, blinking.

"Thank you so much." She thanked Niylah as she opened her door. "That was amazing." Niylah smiled.

"You're welcome Clarke." Clarke hopped out of the car and closed the door behind her. I opened my door.

"You guys go, my house is only three streets away." I told Niylah and Roan. They both nodded, wishing me goodnight as I closed the door behind me. The car drove away and turned the corner out of sight.

I followed Clarke up to her front door, and then we both stopped. Clarke took a breath and then nervously spoke.

"Do you...do you want to come in?" She asked. I didn't even have to think about it.

"Only if it's okay. I wouldn't want to intrude. Not if your mum doesn't know."

Clarke nodded, probably just remembering that her mother didn't know about us yet. She sighed, and her shoulders sagged.

"Maybe not then." She mumbled. "Probably not the best time to tell her." I nodded in agreement.

"See you tomorrow then." I said, and Clarke smiled.

"Okay." She whispered, and then she leant forward, both of her hands cupping the sides of my face.

She kissed me quickly, but her lips lingered on mine as if she didn't want me to leave. But we both knew that it was for the best. I smiled, and then took a step back. Clarke watched as I made my way down the path, and waved as I turned the corner. I smiled to myself the entire way home, replaying the night over and over in my head.

Luna opened the door as I walked up to it, probably watching the path to see when I got back. She grinned at my happy state, probably guessing the reason behind it.

"I take it your date went well then?" She arched an eyebrow, and I giggled, not caring.

"Very." I said, before scooting around her and heading for the stairs. She followed me up and sat down on my bed as I quickly headed into my bathroom to get changed.

When I came back out, Luna was all but bouncing on my bed. She beckoned me over and I knew she would want a second by second description of what had happened. Normally, this would annoy me, but I was so happy that I didn't care anymore.

"Tell me everything." She commanded as I leant against the wall behind my bed. "I can tell something happened, and as your sister, I need to know these things." I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you do." I smiled, before sitting up straighter and beginning.

Modern Clexa AUWhere stories live. Discover now