Chapter 16 - Morning After

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[Y/n's pov.]

I wake up with horrible headche. I want to press my hand to my forhead, but every small move hurts.

,,God, ouch." I say to noone. Or at least that's what I thought.
,,Good morning princess." says British, sitting next to my bed.
,,Newt." I smile at him, feeling pretty tired. ,,What happened?" I ask confused. I know we had bonfire.
,,Um, Alfred forced you into a fight, and you got some ugly injuries." he explains.
,,Yeah, that's why I feel like someone's smashing my head with hammer." I laugh and remember Newt holding me tight so the Gladers can't take me.
,,Yeah." he agrees looking at me worriedly.
,,I'm okay." I smile, even tho it hurts. ,,Was I sleeping for long?" I ask curiously.
,,No not really. Just a day." he answers and I just look at him in shock.
,,Oh God." I say sitting up, hissing with the pain. Newt catches my shoulders and lays me down again.
,,You need to rest princess." he say smiling softly at me.
,,I reste-"
,,Someone's taking advance of the poor hurted girl, I see." says Alby who just came in.
,,I'm not poor hurted girl!" I protest. ,,Maybe hurted, but not poor." I continue as Newt sits back on his chair.
,,I wasn't.. she tried to sit up and move around." explains quickly Newt, turning slightly pink.
,,Yeah, yeah, totally." laughs Alby. ,,How are ya feeling?" he asks looking me into the eyes.
,,Better, can I leave and help now?" I ask.
,,No." says Alby and Newt in union.
,,Not fair." I say, looking away from both of them.


A day later, when noone was near me, I just got up, and headed straight to the kitchen. Cheers and applause erupts as I enter and I just hurry to my table.

,,Here's our girl!" says Gally cheerfully. Newt looks at me.
,,What are you doing here? You are supposed to be in bed!" he starts to panic a little bit.
,,I got bored and was hungry, so here I am, and" I make dramatical pause. ,,as you all can see, I'm totally fine." I finish, sitting between Newt and Minho. Newt's still looking at me.

After a while of silence, all the boys start normal conversation as usual. Newt catches my upper arm, coming a little bit closer, still holding my arm slightly.
,,You sure you are okay?" he asks in low voice.
,,Yeah." I smile at him.
,,Just making sure." Newt whispers, rubbing his tumb against my skin, making me shiver, before letting my arm go. I just stare at him, hoping, that if I stare long enough, he'll place his hand on my arm again. After a while of staring I give up, so I don't look strange.
I start eating, when Minho hits me, very very slightly, with elbow into the ribs, getting closer to me.
,,What was that?" he asks in low vioce and nodds towards Newt.
,,What do you mean? And what are you doing here?" I whisper.
,,His acting when you came, and him looking at you the whole time. Also it's dinner time." Minho explains.
,,Dinner time? Holly klunk." I just say, trying not to bring much attention.

We finish our food, spliting up to go to beds. I head straight towards Newt's room. I lay on the bed, still kinda exhausted from the fight.

,,God, I'm such a piece of Klunk." I say to myself as I'm laying on the bed.
,,No you're not." British accent wakes me up.
,,Yes, I am. And don't try to argue. I'm not in the mood." I stop him before he can say anything.
,,Are you really sure you are okay?" he asks worriedly as he sits next to me on the bed. I smile at him, turning to side to face him.
,,Yes, I'm just kinda exhausted, I guess. I feel like I have to rule the whole world. It's totally exhausting." I explain, feeling my eyes, being more and more closed.
,,Yeah, I know this feeling." he whispers these words, placing his hand on my shoulder, rubbing his tumb against my skin slightly. I smile at this gesture. ,,You'll feel better when you sleep." he suggests.
,,Will do." I smile, with my eyes still closed.

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