Chapter 30 - I'm Here

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[Y/n's pov]

,,I'm here!" I said, meeting Newt eyes. I rushed to him. Gally was somewhere behind me. Newt hugged me straight away, pulling me in, in bone crushing hug, hiding his face into my shoulder.
,,I was so scared." he muttered. I turned my head, kissing his temple, stroking his back.
,,I'm okay." I said. I looked around at everyone. Almost everyone. ,,Where's Alby?" I asked. I shouldn't have. Newt grip tightened and I realized the mistake I did. ,,I am so sorry." I said, backing off from Newt's arms, trying to look into his face.
,,Y/n, you are bleeding!" Newt informed, his voice steady, but the tone little shaken.
,,It's your fault!" sounded Gally's voice, as he hurtled to Thomas. He sent him down with one hit.
,,Gally!" me, Newt and Minho yelled. Newt and Minho grabbed Gally, pulling him away from Thomas, who slowly stood up. He was muttering something to himself and Gally was screaming at him. Next thing I saw, was Thomas injecting himself with the Griever poison, Teresa hurtling to him, injecting him with Griever serum, Gally breaking free from Newt and Minho's grip and ordering everyone what to do. Gally just took over the charge. Two Gladers took Thomas and dragged him into the Pit, bringing Tess with him. The small circle around the main Hut slowly melted and I realized someone was talking to me.
,,Y/n! You are bleeding!" it was Clint. Newt was standing near, looking like he zoned out like I had few seconds away, or was it minutes?
,,It's just a scratch." I replied, pointing to my face, waving Clint's concerns away.
,,I'm talking about your thigh!" informed me Clint. I looked down, seeing a opened, bleeding cut.
,,I haven't noticed." I answered honestly. Newt came to us.
,,I told you so." he said.
,,Come, I'll clean it up." offered Clint.
,,Sure. Meet you at the Hammock?" I asked Newt. He just nodded.

I was sitting on the bed in med-hut, my jeans down, waiting for Clint to bandage my wound.
,,What happened to Alby?" I asked Clint as he entered.
,,Griever took him. It was after Chuck at first, but Alby bravely fought it off, before another one took him." Clint said, cleaning my wound, ignoring my hisses. He bandaged it. I put on my jeans.
,,Let me take care of the face scratch too." he said, when I was standing and getting ready to leave.
,,That's not necessarily." I said, but he already soaked cotton with disinfection. He gently place it on my cheek. Then he took a bandaid and covered it.
,,Thanks." I said, stopping at the door. ,,You aren't hurt?" I asked quickly. He just shook his head. ,,Okay. Good Night." I said, leaving in rush, to be with Newt.

,,I'm sorry." I said after while I laid my head on his chest. He was lying on his back, his arm around my side, the other hand stroking my hair.
,,What for?" he sounded exhausted and sad.
,,Not being there for you." I said, his hold on me tightening slightly. I clenched his hoodie in my fist.
,,I should be saying sorry, that I wasn't there with you." he said after a short while.
,,You are here with me right now." I said, bringing myself closer to his body. I heard how he smiled with exhale.
,,And I will always be with you." he said, as I smiled, closing my eyes, listening to his heartbeat.
,,I take your word for that." I replied.
,,Of course." he responded.
,,Do you remember how I told you I have bad feeling?" I asked after quiet while.
,,Yeah. You were right after all." Newt kissed the top of my head. ,,We should get some sleep. I need to talk to Thomas tomorrow."
,,I have to talk to Gally."
,,I think he wants to feed Grievers with your brother."
,,And that's exactly why I need to talk to him."
,,I know." Newt closed it. I started listening to his heartbeat again, falling asleep slowly, with it's repeating rhythm.

I was first to leave the hammock. I looked around for Gally, until I found him. And yet, he was still quite far away from me, so I had to yell.
,,Gally!" I caught his attention with this. He turned to face me.
,,Y/n, are you here to come to my side?" he asked, stopping in place. I stepped closer, but not much.
,,Your side?" I scoffed. ,,Gally, Glade isn't politics, aren't y'all supposed to be on one side?" I asked, crossing my arms on my chest.
,,And we were until your genius brother came, and fucked up everything."
,,Come on Gally, that's not tr-"
,,Look around! This all is his fault!" he was pretty angry and I scoffed again.
,,His fault? Yeah, Thomas is totally controlling the Grievers that set the Glade on fire! Gally, get your shit together!"
,,So you really are with Thomas."
,,Of course! He didn't do anything bad!" I said. ,,He is stung," I tried, to calm myself down.
,,He stung himself!"
,,That doesn't change the fact that he's going through a changing!" I yelled furiously. ,,He needs to be somewhere else, not in Pit!"
,,You amaze me every day." Gally said. ,,You really don't get it right?" he asked, killing me with his gaze.
,,You are the one that doesn't get it. There's way out, and because you are coward-" I jumped to side, as he threw a punch at my face, with his closed fist. I grabbed his wrist.  I twitched with his arm so quickly and harshly, that it made him fall on his back. I kneeled on his chest with one knee lightly.
,,Don't forget I've had always beaten you up." I said, with a smirk.
,,What was it?" he asked, and I lost some of my confidence. ,,Pride, bo that was not it." he played like he's thinking about something hard. ,,Brag always comes with fall." he said, and before I could react somehow, he grabbed my ankle. He slipped my own leg from underneath me. As I wasn't expecting it, I did kind of front flip, landing straight on my back. I gasped for air. Gally came over me. ,,That's what you told me, remember." he was holding my hands.
,,So what are you gonna do? Throw me into Pit with Thomas and Teresa?"
,,No. i have something better for you." and before I could protest, we was already pushing me somewhere. We stopped in front of my Hut.
,,Really? Home prison? Or should I say, Hut prison?" I asked.
,,Funny as always." were last words, before he literally pushed me inside, closing the door quickly. I rose to my feet, running to the door, as I heard the hammer. I started hitting the door.
,,Let me out!" I yelled. I turned, looking at small window. I moved to it, trying to open it, bud it only met another wood, that was hammered across it, blocking someone from opening it.
,,You really thought so?" Gally asked. I ran onto the door, launching my whole body on them. Kicking them, hitting them over and over again.
,,You can't hold me here forever!" I yelled, the anger boiling inside me.
,,I won't. Just wait after your brother wakes up." he said. I started hitting the door more violently, but there was no response from Gally, or anyone.

I hit the bed after few minutes of mindless door hitting. No one, not a single person reacted to it, and my fists were more and more scratched. I sighed as I turned around, looking at my watch. It's been at least three hours since Gally locked me in. I realized that no one is going to let me out, thanks to hitting the door repeatedly when someone passed and not having a single response.
,,Come on! Let me out!" I yelled standing in front of the doors. I sinked down on my knees before sitting down, hanging my head down. ,,Newt, where are you?" I asked in low voice.
,,I need two Gladers, this girl is kind of hardcore." I heard muffled voice from behind the door.
,,Come on Gally, it's just a girl." someone responded. So I guess Thomas must be awake. I stood up quickly, standing next to the door. They open out, so-
,,Two!" Gally yelled, and the guy who was with him left, but Gally didn't. I'll have only one shot with this. Two guys plus Gally. I have moment of surprise as my plus in fight, but three against one? I need to hope that they'll be too scared to fight a girl.
,,We're here." said some Glader. I got ready.
,,Take of the wood." ordered Gally. The wood was ripped out with it's nails. ,,Wow, she could've kicked out the door." Gally said, and I feel the anger inside me.
The door opened, as first guy came in. I grabbed his wrist pulling him in quickly. I twitched with his arm, bringing my knee up, so his forehead met my knee. I pushed him on the bed, when the other guy came from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist, lifting me up from the ground. I flicked in his grab, trying to get away, it was useless.
,,And you said that two guys are needed." laughed the one who was holding me.
,,That could be you, and she would ran away." Gally said emotionless.
,,It still can be you." I said, hitting his head with my back of the head. His arms loosened up around me. I brought up my elbow and in one move it met his ribs. I finished him of with under kicking his legs. He felt on the ground.
I felt the triumph inside. I just need to fight Gally, and it will be all good. I turned to face him, as he was standing in the doorway, his shoulder rested against the door frame, and huge smirk in his face. I stopped my motion, this isn't great sight.
,,The fu-" I turned my head to side, as a piece of wood came into my view. It met my head, the force of the injury sending me to a ground. ,,-ck. Ow." I finished what I started the moment I could breathe again.
I raised my hand to my forehead, but someone snatched it, bringing it back down. Then my other hand. The guys pulled me up ruthlessly, dragging me away from my hut. I tried to fight them, but failed immediately.

They dragged me to a pole, next to two other, same looking, poles. They caught my wrists, tying them together with rope, bringing them over my head, tying them to the pole. I looked around. Newt, Minho, standing farther away, Chuck with many stuff.
,,You really think banishing us, will change something?" Teresa asked Gally.
,,No. and that's why this isn't banishing. You are going to be sacrifices." at this point a guy standing with Teresa rose her tied wrists up like mine. Our eyes met. Her eyes full of sparks. They have plan. ,,Bring him up!" Gally ordered. When the boys came to Thomas lying on the ground, he quickly stood up, knocking out the two guys. Chuck, Minho, Fry and Newt rushed to us. Fry to Teresa to release her, Newt to me.
,,Hi." he said, bringing his machete up.
,,Hey." I said with smile of relief as I am bot going to be a dinner for Grievers. Newt cut of the rope that held my arms up. We all backed up behind Thomas.
,,We are leaving. You can't go, or not, it's just your choice, but we are not staying." Thomas said, his spear at ready. Chuck gave me one too. Clint, Jeff and other Glader came to us.
,,Really? You are going straight to the death's grip." Gally said.
,,Don't you get it? The Grievers will come back every night, until they kill every single one of you!" Tess yelled.
,,It's okay to be scared, I am scared, but I wanna get out of here. This isn't our home. And I would rather die trying then hiding here." almost every Glader came to our side.
,,This is it Gally, come with us." Thomas said, lowering his spear.
,,Good luck Greenie." Gally said, turning and walking away.

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