Chapter 11 - Safest Place

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[Y/n's pov.]

Few days later, and more horrible tries, I finally tried all jobs.

,,So, after dinner we'll have gathering." Alby says looking at me.
,,What about?" I ask.
,,Your job." Newt says.
,,I would bet it's obvious." I laugh.
,,No, all the Keepers need to agree on your job." Gally looks at me.
,,And you have to be there all the time." Alby continues.
,,Great!" I say cheerfully. And Alby smiles at me. The rest of the dinner is silent. Thanks to trying every job I realised that I'm always sitting with Keepers, yet I'm not one.

Steping into the room full of Keepers makes me nervous, even tho I'm friend with at least 5 of them. Newt just points to an empy chair in the center of the room. I feel like I'm about to get killed. As I sit myself and look around with all the Keepers looking at me. And some other boy. I guess this must be the guy who came through Box. Alfred.

,,Allright everyone," started Alby, ,,as we know, these two Greenies," he points at me and Alfred. I can feel Newt's suportive look on me. ,,we need to decide their jobs." he pauses, looking me into the eyes before looking into Alfred's. ,,You both tried all the jobs, and one of the Keepers was alway there to watch over you. Now we will debate about it. And-" he starts as he notice both I and Alfred are about to say something. ,,you two can only speak when you are asked." he says with little grin.

,,So let's start with you Winston." Newt says looking at him.
,,Alright, let's say we go, ladies first." he looks at me with kind smile and I smile back at him, feeling Alfred's eyes burning hole in the back of my head.
,,Problem Alfred?" Alby says.
,,Why should she go fist? I tried all the jobs sonner, you already made me wait till today." he complains. Newt rolls his eyes.
,,I would say that it's matter of manners." Newt says with raised eyebrow. Alfred rolls his eyes and cross his hands on his chest and looks away.
,,Fine alright, so to be completly honest, I don't think it's good idea to make you Slicer. First, you would probably kill someone, and the someone could be even you..." Winston says. I laugh a little.

And this continues. ,,Not Builder" ,,Track-hoe? No, sorry." ,,Runner? Defenetly not." I bite my lip knowing Imma end up like Slopper. I was right. Keeper of Sloppers is kinda confident about having new blood in their team and I feel Alfred's eyes on me. I don't even need to look to know he is pleased with me becoming Slopper.

,,Let's make her Med-jack." say Jeff even tho he's not supposed to talk.
,,Jeff, when it's your turn." Newt says with slight tone of warning. Keeper of Sloppers stops and says it's all he has to say. I hope it's not so much convincing.
,,Jeff" Alby says.
,,Alright so, hear me out. She's bit clumsy, yes, but! she is also really good at healing people or helping them. She found heartbeat faster than I ever could. And and remember when she was trying for Slicers? That dinner Minho started drowning! She helped him. I would say, that she doesn't wait if it's about someone else's health. We need her, Clint and I aren't enough.." Jeff says and sits back down.

,,Good that," starts Newt. ,,let's debate." and with this all the Keepers start to talk.
,,Let's make her Keeper." says Winston out of nowhere.
,,What?" asks Alby.
,,I mean, wouldn't it be pretty usefull to have a GIRL in our Keeper party?" argues Winston.
,,Yeah, that's true, maybe she has other point of view." suggest Gally. I just watch them argue even more than about my job.
,,Alright, slim it everyone." Alby says. Everyone is quiet now and looking at Alby. ,,So, we have a job for you, you're gonna be Med-jack." I can feel big relief as the two last words get out of his mouth. ,,And you're gonna be Keeper."
,,Wait, really?" I ask and I feel Alfred's look.
,,Yeah, me and Clint are tired of always deciding who's gonna be here, yk." laughs Jeff.
,,You are really making her Keeper?" says Alfred.
,,Slim it." says quickly Gally. I hear him say something under his breath and keeping shut. ,,Right." raises eyebrows Gally.

I was waiting for Newt to say to him good night. As the doors open first to go out is Alfred. He checks me out rolls his eyes and leaves to his hammock. Then all the boys go out some of them saying the gratulations to me others just leaving.

,,Hi princess." says Newt as he leaves the room.
,,I'm not Slopper." I say with huge smile. I didn't mean to say that. And I see Newt smiling at me, and I don't know how to describe this type of smile, but I love seeing this smile. I can feel my heart melting looking at Newt's happy face.
,,Nice, I'll go wi-" then Minho storms out running straight to me wraping his hands around my waist, lifting me up in hug and spinning around. I am shocked and frozen in the moment, watching Newt's smile fade a little. Then Minho let's go of me standing me on the ground.
,,Congrats on being new Keeper and not being a Slopper." he says holding me by my shoulders. I'm trying to look at him, but I feel urge to check if Newt's still there.
,,Thanks. Um Imma head to the bed." I say with small laugh and shake of Minho's hands, feeling little bad, after all he's my friend.
,,Um, I'm gonna go with you, I need something in my room." laughs Newt and heads towards the Homestead.

,,Um... congrats." says Newt as we reach his room. As we enter I turn around and hug him, wraping my hands around his torso. I feel him being frozen in moment, but then he wraps his hand around my body thightly. That's when something I never felt explodes inside of me. Like hundrets of butterfly escaping my stomach. And all I can do is just hug him more. His muscular arms around me. In this moment I realize, this is the safest i ever felt, just standing in Newt's arms.

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