Chapter 14 - Fighting

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[Y/n's pov.]

„Wait, fighting?" I stop, realising, that the guys were about to fight.
„Yeah, Gally really likes to fight, but we don't want him to hurt other Gladers, so we set this, tradition," he laughts at this word, like it's impossible to have tradition like this. „so, everytime we have bonfire, Gally gets his fighting."
„Isn't it, i dunno, dangerous?" I ask raising my eyebrows. „Am I going to have more job tomorrow?" I stop looking Newt into the eyes.
„No, it's not this kind od fight. Don't worry you'll see." Newt answers my question before I can even ask.

All the guys stand around small fighting area. I notice Gally already inside a sand circle, jumping a little with his hands cleched in fists. Is it going to be fistfight?
I turn my head towards Newt, to ask him, but before I can say or do anything, he reaches out, catching my chin and turning my head slightly, so I'm facing the fighting circle. I look at him sideways, noticing his small smile as he lets go off of my head. I smile a little facing a ground for a small while.

,,Who's first?!" yells Gally and I raise my head again, to watch the fight.
,,Let's go shank!" yells Fry and I let out soft laugh, realising I have never seen Fry leaving kitchen.

Fry joins Gally.
,,You know the rules." says Gally and smiles. Then they stand looking each other into the eyes. They both start running and hit their bodies to each other. I jump a little, not being prepared for them too just run into each other. I can hear Newt laughing quietly. I look at him, hitting him into the elbow lightly, before joining his laugh.

Gally and Fry are trying to push one another out of the circle, and I started cheering with others.

Gally wins, but it's pretty close.
,,Alright everyone!" yells Gally. ,,Time to celebrate!" he continues as he hands everyone a small jar with his special drink. I take one, drinking it slowly. Newt does the same.

,,So, who's next?!" asks Gally. Some of the Gladers yell something, others yell something else, and all I can hear is,

I laugh until I realise that almost everyone is looking at me. My smile fades away. ,,That, wasn't joke?" I ask.
,,No! Comon, your turn (Y/n)." says Ben.
,,No. No way I'm doing it." I answer crossing my arms on my chest.
,,Yes, you are!" yells someone else.
,,No way in hell." I say. That's when I'm started being pushed towards the circle. I turn my face to look at Newt, as he's my last hope, he reaches out, grabing my arm, pushing me towards him. With the surprising move, I'm not able to stop, so I hit him as he wraps his hand around my shoulders protectivly.

,,Didn't you heard her?" he asks, then he turns to me and whispers. ,,Sorry."
,,I'm sorry." I whisper back.
,,Don't be a shucking piece of klunk Newt, and let us have her for a while." says Ben.
,,Hey, back off here Ben." says Gally giving Ben unbelieving look. ,,They only fight if they want to." he says and winks at me.
,,Newt, your not the only one who wants to-" starts Alfred this time. The Minho grabs him, and pushes him harshly into the circle, cutting his sentence.
,,We have fighter!" yells Alby, winking at me and Newt, who's still holding me protectivly around my shoulders pressed against his chest.

Fight between Gally and Alfred is much more intense, then fight between Gally and Fry. I would say, that Alfred's kinda pissed, that he couldn't finish, but also that he was pushed inside the fighting circle.
Newt eventually stopped protecting me so much, and released his hold, so I wasn't hold against his chest anymore, but he had his hand close to mine, in case someone will try and force me into the circle again.

After a while, the fight ended with Alfred on the ground. I cheered for Gally. He bowed and ran away for more of his special drink, to celebrate again. I turned to face Newt, to smile at him and talk about this fight.

,,Newt?" I said confused as he wasn't standing right beside me, as he was the whole time. I looked around, noticing him strugle trying to get away from a Glader holding him out of reach.

That's when I realised, they'll try to force me into the circle. Before I realised, I tryed to run towards Minho, who wasn't being held, and was the closest. My movement suddenly stoping, as I feel arms being wraped around my waist.

,,Let her go!" yells Newt, and that's when Minho notices me and Newt strugling to get away from two other Gladers.

I turn my head to see Ben. He picks me up and I started to kick and hit with my arms.

,,Chill out cutie." he says calmly, like he's not just holding me up from ground and carrying me towards fighting circle.

,,No!" I yell again and again, but most of the Gladers are cheering and blocking my friends way so they can't rescue me. ,,You piece of klunk, let go of me!" I yell at him. Still trying to fight myself free.
,,Don't worry cutie, you can be happy it's just fight, and not 7 minutes in heaven." he says carrying me, like I'm the lightest thing in this Glade.
,,What the fu-"
,,If you want, I can do it later this night." he says and I can hear the smirk in his face.
,,You stupid moron, you gonna be in pit for this." I yell, and that's the moment he just let's go of me.

I didn't expected it, and hit the geound hard. When I stand up, I notice all the other boys closing the circle so I can't run away. I notice Ben, and came closer.

,,What's this cutie? Wanna do it in Newt's room? Won't he be jealous?" he asks, and two or three Gladers laugh. His friends. I get so pissed of, and only thing I can do is nothing, he's out of reach. So I just spit into his face. The Glade falls into the silence, and then.

,,Whoaaaaaaah!!" yells almost whole Glade.
,,Your so gonna regret this!" screams Ben, and tries to get into the circle.
,,Chill out shank, you are going to watch her fight. After that, you can take her." I hear Alfred whisper to him, before coming inside of the circle.

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