Chapter 41 - zip line

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[Y/n's pov]

Teresa reached the lever, pulling it down for a split second, making all of us fall slightly down with panicked screams. I felt so vulnerable, as my destiny lied within someone else's hands. She pulled herself closer to the edge, pulling the lever once more a little, sitting on the floor, untying her legs.
I started feeling dizzy, as I was hanging for a long time. The blood rushed into my brain. Teresa firstly tried to get hold on people closest, but she couldn't reach anyone. After the failed attempts, she found a long metal bar. Grabbing it without hesitation, she came closer, reaching towards us with the bar.
Couple of minutes later, Minho was reaching towards me with the metal bar. As soon as it was close enough, I grabbed it, holding it tightly, being pulled by my friends to the edge. I was the last one hanging, and so glad it was soon to be over. The moment I was over the platform, Newt came to my ankles, untying whatever was around my legs. He finished rather quickly, setting me finally free. I stood up, looking around.
"Finally." I said, not meaning it to offend anyone, but being glad I don't have to hang anymore. We all gathered together. While we were being put down, Thomas explained to us how he wanted to continue.
He wanted to set all of us free, then gather up. The moment we would all be together, we would start running out of the nearest exit, running for our lives. We were supposed to find way out together as a group. But Thomas' plan was shattered to pieces before we could even start with phase two: run of our lives. From the outside, huge lights started shining on the building, blinding us for split seconds.
"This is WICKED, World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department. You have something of ours, and we want it back." sounded Ratman's voice. We all froze at one place. He then proceeded to speak WICKED's propaganda, something about us being cure, and the whole population depending on us.
"Well this kinda complicates our plan." I said, looking around. Soon after, one of Jorge's man ran to the room. We all froze in our places. He pulled out a gun, pointing it at us. I felt Newt's hand on my waist, as he pushed me slightly behind himself, trying to protect me with his own body. Before any of us could say anything, the man pulled out a walkie talkie.
"Janson, I've got them. On my way to you. Over." was all he said, huge smirk displayed on his face. I felt physically sick from his slick smirk. "Come on, let's go." he said. None of us moved inch. "I said let's go!" He said louder. Thomas launched forwards, trying to rid the man of his gun. There was and gunshot up in the air, scaring everyone. The man backed away from Thomas' reach.  "You little shi-" the rest of the word was drown out by gunshot. I closed my eyes tightly. Someone pulled me more behind themselves. It was Newt, never letting go of my body, covering me with his.
I did not feel any pain, indicating I was not shot, but that did not help with not knowing if some of my friends weren't shot instead. I slowly opened my eyes, meeting Newt's right away, he was scanning my face worriedly.
"Are you okay?" he asked, quickly cupping my face in his hands.
"Ye." I responded quickly, looking for the shot person, since there was a thud, indicating body falling to the ground. I found the man on the ground, with Brenda standing like three meters behind, with her weapon up.
"Move! We need to get you out! Now!" she said, slight panic could be heard in her voice. We all looked at each other, doubting her, and what was gonna happen to us. Just as we stood there, a song played from a record player could be heard on the speakers that were placed around the building beams. "Come on!" Brenda urged us, as we just went along the moment she moved. She jogged through the building, making us jog with her. We met up with Jorge at one of the huge windows.
"Brenda! Hurry, we don't have much time!" was first thing Jorge said to us, mainly to Brenda. He rushed to the window, pushing it open, revealing something looking like a zip line.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." said Fry looking outside the window, down on ground that was far far away.
"Gotta be hermano. You kids wanna get to the Right Arm.?" Jorge was speaking rather fast, almost not making pauses between the words. "I'll lead you to them." he continued, looking at us, with very serious face. I caught Newt looking out the window and back at Jorge, and soon realized, that we all were checking what was waiting for us. "But you gonna owe me!" he added.  He than pulled onto some rope hanging prom the zip line, extending it a little. He grasped it, and ran out of the window, holding onto the rope. "Follow me." he yelled as he descended to the next building, that had the other end of the zip line attached to it. We all stood there in disbelief.
"Alright, let's go!" yelled Brenda, pulling another piece of rope down. Noone moved, before Thomas pushed Minho slightly.
"Go go go!" he yelled as Minho hold tight onto that rope, descending into the darkness.
We all got into line, pulling the rope and then diving away. Newt wanted me to go before him, so I did. Before I ran out of the window I looked back at Thomas, who was shouting something about helping Brenda find something. I ran out of the window as I saw my brother ran back into the building.
As soon as I got to the other building, Minho made sure to catch me, and help me stay steady. The last two to arrive were Newt and Teresa. There was no sight of my brother, nor Brenda. I still could hear the song. There were some gun shots that could be heard, but the song was playing it's last notes.
The moment the song stopped, there was a huge explosion inside the building. I felt my heart drop in my chest. Soon after, the whole building collapsed to ground, with Thomas and Brenda still inside.

AN: I did first part of my final exams on Monday and today! Hopefully I passed and I will be capable of graduating xD
I'm still very sorry about the upload schedule basically not existing, but hopefully I will be capable to write and upload more often.
I'm really grateful for all of you who still read my story <3

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