Chapter 43 - Marcus

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[Y/n's pov.]
The utter shock on Newt's face as I pushed him off of me was indescribable. He looked so puzzled with my motion, even more, when we both knew that the thing that happened seconds ago, was something we both needed after all the action in the past days. Yet still, there was no way in hell, this was happening, here and now, and even worse chance with our friends waiting for us.
Newt stepped back closer to me, grabbing my waist instantly and pulling me even closer, getting a sharp inhale from me.
"Newt, let's go upstairs, there should be bed or couches there, in some rooms." I lied, seeing only lust and drunken blindness in his eyes.
"Yes princess, whatever you wish." he said very lowly and mostly directly into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Then without hesitation he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room, up the stairs. I took lead there, looking for our friends, checking almost every room. I finally peeked through almost closed door, finding our friends right inside. I immediately dragged Newt inside. He was getting excited and right as he saw our friends, his excitement dropped.
"Jorge, I need your help, he drank something and now he's acting oddly.. how does he get rid of it?" I said, Newt still close behind me.
"He doesn't. It takes time. But let me tell you one thing hermanita, the drinks here only make people more free and get rid of their boundaries. So anything he said, or how he acted, is just something he wanted to do or say for quite some time now probably." Jorge said, watching us closely, as Newt still was clinging onto me, and giving angry look to all the people in the room. "Get him to lay down. We may be able to move soon." Jorge said, and pointed to a couch.
"Come on Newt, let's get you some rest." I said slowly to him, tugging him towards the sofa.
"I don't want to rest, I want you!" Newt said childishly, only getting my cheeks warm. Anything he said or how he acted, is just something he wanted to do or say for quite some time now. I pushed him onto the couch, not wanting to hear another word from him. Not now. "Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone. I can't be alone." was words I never expected him to say. I suddenly felt tight on my chest, as I turned around, and kneeled down next to the sofa.
"I am never, ever, going to leave you. You hear me? Never, ever. Just promise me the same." I said to him, stroking his hair, as now all that was in his eyes was tiredness and still bit of the drunk blindness.
"I promise." he said, locking his eyes with mine, giving me a smile. "Pinky promise." he added extending his pinky towards me. I immediately grabbed it with mine.
"Pinky promise." I said with the softest and the most effortless smile I felt in a long time, feeling good and secure with this unbreakable promise.
He didn't let go of my pinky, so I just sat down next to the sofa, as he snored slightly.
"Y/n! You're never gonna believe who just showed up!" Minho rushed towards me, as I had zoned out for a long time now, thinking about what happed, and Jorge's words.
"Who?" I asked, still little disoriented.
"Your brother! That shank survived even a building explosion!" Minho said excitedly. That got me straight to my feet, dropping Newt's pinky with my fast movement. He moved around on the couch and murmured something under his breath, but kept sleeping.
"Where is he?" I asked, needing to see for myself, if what Min is telling me is truth.
"He's knocked out on the other sofa, Teresa is with him. Apparently he drank something and hallucinated." Minho explained, bringing anxiety upwards inside me. "Don't worry, Brenda was with him, she took him here. Jorge said he'll be alright."
"And what is Jorge doing?" I asked, as this couch was away from the others, having no clue what was happening.
"He's trying to get some information from Marcus. Stay here with Newt, I gotta go back." he said, and before I could respond, he disappeared. I shook my head slightly with a smile, returning to Newt, grabbing his hand again, sitting down on the floor.
"Hi." he said, turning his head to look at me.
"Hi." I replied, smiling at him. "How are you feeling?"
"Good, I think. My head hurts somewhat." he said, sitting up slowly.
"Yeah, I have no clue what they made you drink." I said.
"Yeah, I don't remember.. should we go to the others?" Newt said, turning a little red at the first part. I do think he remembers something, but doesn't want to admit it.
"Sure, if you wish." I smiled, standing up. He stood up right after that, keeping a distance from me. I didn't care that much, even though it felt odd to me. We walked into the other room together. There was Marcus, tied to a chair, Jorge standing over him, his hands clenched into fists, all of our friends scattered around the room watching, all of them except Thomas and Teresa. I looked around, as Jorge punched Marcus again, trying to find the two. Thomas was laying on a couch, with Teresa making sure he's okay. I smiled and turned to Newt, to bot find him next to me, but already grabbing a chair, and sitting down, looking at Jorge and Marcus.
I sat down, but my mind was racing. I couldn't really concentrate on anything that was happening. All I could think about were Jorge's words, and then Newt's. What did he mean by I can't be alone? Is there something he didn't say to me? Were his actions really something he wanted to do for a while now, or was it just lust, that took over him? Why is he acting so distant now, that he's back to his senses? My thoughts were racing unbelievably fast. I didn't even realize Thomas woke up. I just felt someone squeeze my shoulder. I looked up, he was standing over me, so I just smiled at him, not fully acknowledging it's my brother right there, the one and only, that got separated from the group by a building falling on top of him. He understood that I won't talk with him right now, as he patted my shoulder and came closer to Jorge, leaving me to sink into my thoughts again.

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