Chapter 25 - Thomas

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[(Y/n's) pov]

Greenie, my brother, went on tour around the Glade with Alby. Alby showing him around. I come to them.
,,Greenie, meet (Y/n). She's the only girl here." he introduced me.
,,Do I somehow know you? You remind me of someone." says Greenie looking me up and down.
,,Well actually, yeah, you are my brother." I say. Greenie's eyes growing wide with this.
,,Yeah, well, don't ask me how I know. Where did you wanted to go now guys?" I ask towards Alby, because I can see how uncomfortable the news were for Greenie.
,,The lookout."
,,I'll leave you to it. Do you know where Newt is?"
,,I sent him off to find Chuck."
,,Oh, thanks Alby." and with that I leave them, going to kitchen.

,,Hey Fry."
,,Hey (Y/n). What's up?" he asks kindly when I take one of chairs bringing it closer to him, sitting down.
,,Well, I think I just frightened our Greenie." I say, sighing.
,,Why?" he asks, looking genuinely interested. ,,Did you smiled at him with you breathtaking smile?" I laugh at this comment.
,,No, I told him he's my brother."
,,Well, honesty is important." he says, still preparing his food.
,,Right you are Fry." I smile at him, patting his shoulder.
,,Hey!" I hear Gally yell. I look at Fry confused, he looking at me the same way. I run out of the kitchens, towards the place I heard Gally, Fry at my heels. There is crawling Greenie, Chuck and Gally.
,,What is wrong with you guys?" asks the Greenie, when he stands up, looking at Newt, Alby, Jeff, Gally and few others. ,,Why don't you just let me leave!"
,,No one leaves."
,,Not now at least."
With this sentence, the Earth shakes under our feet. Wind dashing out of the maze, as we all, except Greenie, turn sideways. Then the doors start to close themselves. I look at Newt, meeting his eyes, rested on my face.
,,Welcome to Glade." says Alby as the doors shut, closing the only way out.

I sit with Minho at the bonfire chatting with him. I notice Greenie and Chuck talking near a wood log. I turn to face Minho.
,,So anything new in the maze?" I ask curiously.
,,No, not really." he answers, eating his food again.
,,Minho, you know you are so fun." I say and it gives me great deal of energy to say it as sarcastic as possible.
,,Thanks I appreciate that." he says, clearly knowing I meant it sarcastically. I smile at him.
,,What are you two shanks talking about?" asks Chuck as he came closer.
,,Chuck, hey, weren't you with Gree-" I look at Greenie and Newt at the wood log, raising my eyebrows. ,,I think, that I am soon about to become a really jealous girlfriend." I say, as Minho follows my gaze, seeing the two of them, laughing.
,,Oh (Y/n/n), you are funny you know? Imagine how Newt must be jealous." he says, still looking at the two of them.
,,True." I say, tearing my gaze away, and focusing my mind back on Minho. But still, with my sideways vision I catch Newt pointing towards us. I guess he's talking about Minho. I keep a light chat with Minho and Chuck, as Newt stands up with Thomas, walking around, pointing to people and talking.
Gally is fighting again, in his little fighting circle. I stand up, to go and watch some fight. But when I do, the Gladers shout one word altogether. ,,Greenie!" I look around, noticing Greenie looking really pale, as he enters the circle.
Gally explains the easy rules of fighting circle.
,,You got it Greenie?" he asked, looking at him.
,,Stop calling me Greenie." argued Greenie.
,,Would you like me to call you shank instead?" asked Gally again, as the Gladers laughed. My attention was taken away as Newt approached me.
,,Hi." I whispered. He just smiled, focused on the fight. I turned back to face the circle, noticing Greenie on the ground. As Newt was standing right beside me, our hands brushes against each other's. Newt just took my pinky with his, connecting our hands only like that.
Greenie stood up, as Gally run at him. He dodged it, sending Gally to ground.
,,Not so bad for a Greenie huh?!" he said proudly, but Gally under kicked his legs, sending him sideways to the ground. The Glade made howled with ow, as Greenie hit his head hard.
,,Thomas!" he said, standing up, looking around. ,,I remember my name! It's Thomas!" he said again, as Alby was the first to react.
,,Thomas!" he yelled happily, as everyone came to Greenie, Thomas, to say their congratulations.
Gally handed Thomas jar with his special recipe. Me and Newt, our pinkies still connected, standing in the inner circle of the Gladers around Thomas. He drank, spitting it in the air afterwards, the drink falling down as rain.
Screech from the Maze catching everyone's attention. I turned my gaze towards the closest door, looking at them, my pinky still hooked on Newt's.
,,Let's call it night guys." said Alby, after while, when everyone was watching the Maze entrance with horror in their eyes. We all nodded, heading to our hammocks. I slipped into Newt's hammock, with a last glance at Thomas, before facing Newt.
He wrapped one of his arms around my waist, the other around my shoulders, as I hid my face in his chest. We lied like that for a while, my brain on full function. I sighed burying my face little more.
,,What's the matter (Y/n)?" asked Newt, resting his chin on top of my head. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his torso.
,,I have really strange feeling, that something bad is about to happen." I answered honestly. I knew exactly how he was frowning while he was thinking.
,,Well, it's just a feeling princess. Not that feelings are something less, but let's hope it's nothing-" he started to mumble, loosing himself in his words, I looked up at him, only backing off with my head. I smiled at him, brushing his cheekbones with my hand, before resting it on his cheek.
,,Sure." I said, giving him quick kiss, burying my head back into his chest. ,,Good night baby." I said, closing my eyes.
,,Good Night (y/n/n)."

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