
12 2 5

She lives her life the same everyday
It's like she is living the same day on repeat

Her feelings have started numbing
And she doesn't seem to understand people anymore
She's living but not alive
She can see but she's not seeing
She's breathing but no air gets to her lungs
And she's slowly dying inside

It's like she's become a zombie
And though she's a zombie she's still walking
She still goes day by day

She wishes to dream but her nights are restless
And when the first light shows she wants to go back to the darkness of night
Wanting to hide from the daylight
Not wanting the present

And she wants so desperately to cry her eyes out but nothing ever comes
It's like her eyes have turned to deserts

But she never does anything she just keeps walking
Wanting nothing more than to close her eyes


Hi guys, a little late for my update since I didn't have anything to write about last week. Enjoy this for last week and this week. I have kind of lived my days the same and it's making me go into like auto pilot or like a zombie as I put it.

I added a song for this chapter. It's called Zombie by Day6. I find it fitting mainly because I have listened to this song on repeat for about 2 or 3 months now.

I hope everyone is doing good.

Until We Meet Again

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