Broke Family

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She sits in her room, music drowning out all the fighting in her house.

Her house once a home, but crumbled to the ground by disagreements.

The disagreements between her parents, that started over small stuff that shouldn't matter.

The small stuff that shouldn't matter, built up over the years till the breaking point.

The breaking point, her once loveable father walking out and becoming cold towards his daughter's.

His daughter's, who never saw it coming laying with each other shocked.

The shock, turned sadness, turned anger for the daughter's.

The daughter's sitting together, music drowning out the broken home, broken family and shattered life.


Hi my readers, it's been a while hasn't it. A lot has happened in the few months I haven't post, like the inspiration for this story which was family father leaving, but I'm alive. Hope everyone had a good Christmas yesterday if you celebrate.

Peace out Wild Wild One's ✌

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