Broken Home ~ 5sos

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Have you ever just sat in your room while yout parents fought? Have you ever cried in your room late at night because your mom scared you while screaming at you or your siblings? Have you ever been scared for your life in your own house with your "family"?

Living in a home where you are constantly scared is the hardest thing ever. You have a roof over your head but you don't know if you will survive to the next day. Your scared and afraid, but you don't tell anyone because you hope it will get better. But what you don't know is it never will not till you leave. But you can't becayse you can't support yourself yet at least while you're still in high school.


Hey decided I would post more than one thi week since I didn't post for about a month. I hope you like. I was scared to post this one but I don't care what I feel right now so here it is.

Hope you have a good day.

Peace Out Wild One's ✌

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