Her Escape

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Her mind is racing

her anger is suffocating

her sadness is drowning

and she needs to escape

So she escapes

she walks out the door

not telling a soul

just leaving into oblivion

She will calm her racing mind

loosen the grip her mind has

and swim through her sadness

But she will go back

she has to go back

Back to the cause of her problems

her mind will start racing to every corner of her being

her anger will start suffocating her

her sadness will drown her

And she is back to where she started

She will soon need to escape again

but not for long

never for long

For she is shackled to herself


Hello everyone! I come with this week chapter, which was written at my sisters work because I didn't want to be at home with my mom. So I decided to spend 8 hours with my sister at work. Based off what I just wrote you can guess where the inspiration for this chapter came. Being at my house has caused my to feel all of those feelings every day, but I got my mom to say yes to sending me aboard to study!! I just need my dad to say yes and find a sponsor because if i do go aboard I decided I will stay for 11 months.

Any suggestions for legit anything, I have a lot a free time and I get bored?

Hope everyone is doing good

Peace Out Wild One's

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