High Hopes ~ Panic! At The Disco

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Hope. We we all have had hope before. Having hope is one of the best feeling but can end in either the worst or best feeling ever.

Having hope and getting what you hoped for to come true can be one of the best feeling is the world. You feel like the world and everyone in it is on your side. You're happy and you never want that moment to end.

Having hope and not getting what you hoped for can be one of the worst feelings in the world. You feel like the world and everyone in it hates you and could care less about you. You just want the moment to be over so you can go and hide so no one can see how sad and unhappy you are.

Having hope is something that gies one of two different ways. Always remember to have high hopes (a/n had to have high high hopes for a livin'), because if you have low hopes you're not going to get anywhere. So have high hopes and never let the outcome affect you. Always get back up and try again.



This one is a little more happier then the rest of them. I wrote this one after my mom crushed my hopes like it was nothing. So I wrote this to remind myself that I have to have high hopes no matter who tries to stop me. I always have to get up and try again no matter who or what stands in my way I have to try again and again till I get it right.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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