Losing Someone

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It hurts a person mentally to lose someone they cared for. Whether it's because they died or walked away from you, either way it still hurts a lot.

If it's because they died you have to go through the stages of grieve, but also the pain of losing someone who was close to them. You can go to other people you care about and trust and talk to them about that person till it doesn't hurt anymore.

If it's because they walked away, you only have to go through the pain of losing someone, but that's not always better then them dying because it can cause you to lose all trust in people even the ones you already care for. If this does happen you stop trusting, stop talking, stop caring, stop almost everything but the only thing you might not stop is being insecure, having self pity, having self hate and sometimes being depressed.

They both hurt a person tremendously but the repercussions are entirely different.


Hi hi everyone. I have taken all of my unpublished writings and put them in drafts so you can expect some of those in the near future. 

I chose this story to be the first to be published because I lost my grandfather last week and I wrote this right after my grandmother died. I thought it to be fitting to publish it after his death.

I hope everyone is healthy and getting enough food and sleep.

Until We Meet Again


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