Her Broken Heart

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She wanted someone to love

to care

to talk too

so she went searching

and she found

but they broke her heart

tore it out of her chest

and smashed it to pieces

they put her heart back

like it was broken

and useless

they expected her to be fine

but she's not fine

for her heart is broken

and her feelings are numbing

and her fight for live is thinning

and she doesn't know what to do

but this has happened

more times than she can count

and it's been tearing her down

and at some point she will be nothing but rubble and ash

but still to them

she is fine

because they said so


Hi to my readers. I have come with a new update to my. A lot has happen since my last past. It's been extremely stressful for me the past few weeks and I haven't been able to write anything but I did get some free time today and wrote this. I wrote this about the people in my personal life who were suppose to be my friend but don't seem to care at all. And some of my medical issues that I thought were finally under control have come back and I can't go and get the medicine I usually use to deal with them. On a happier note my birthday was last week and I had a lot of fun.

How are things going for all of you out there?

Is everything ok?

Hope everything is for everyone.

Peace out Wild One's

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