With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear ~ Sleeping With Sirens

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If you could make your parents happy for you for just one day would you?

I wouldn't want to make my parents happy because why should I make the people that make my life a living hell happy. I should just be happy if my parents talk to me or even look in my direction.

I say all this because my parents barely notice me. They don't notice when I cry in my room at night. They don't notice when I go a day or two or three without eating. They don't notice that I am only alive because of the music I listen too. They don't notice that I am struggling with everything that is going on in my life.

My life is broken, but my life is more broken because of them and because of that I wouldn't want to make them happy even just for one day, one hour, one minute, one second. They don't deserve to see me happy with as much pain as they caused me to keep all their secrets, for them to talk bad about me when I was right next to them. They don't deserve me at all.



So this I wrote yesterday when my mom and sister started talking about how my sister is better then me. Like wow thanks family who is supose to make me feel better about myself not worse. But yeah. Hey I updated twice today probably never going to happen again but you never know I might. So this is the acoustics version but the originally version of this song will also work.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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