Being Lonely

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You cam be in a place with lots of people you know and some you don't and you can be lonely. But you can be alone but not lonely.

Being lonely doesn't mean you are alone where you are at physically. Being lonely me and no one knowing how you are mentally.

Telling someone how you are mentally can be really hard though. You have to trust that if you tell this person everything that they won't walk away from you.

You come to a choice, don't say anything or tell them your not fine and you need help.

If you choose not to tell them don't let them or any other person presser or decide for you. It's your choice not theirs. It's your truths not theirs. It's apart of your story not theirs. They don't get to make decions about your life. It's your life, live it how you want too. Tell people what you want too. And live for yourself.


Hey. Hello. How is everyone doing?
I know I said I would update sooner but finals got in the way then I had to get animals and I have basically spent the past 2 weeks with my pig and lamb outside away from my pencil and notebook so I had nothing to write on. Sorry.

Peace Out Wild One's ✌

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