The Hurt, The Hope ~ As It Is

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We all use invisible mask to hide something.

We believe these makes are our saviors and makes us look perfect for other people.

Everyone, including me uses these invisible makes.

I use my mask to hide how I truly feel, what I truly think of people and mainly how truly broken I am.

What if we took off or masks for society to see all our flaws, all the things we dislike apt ourselves?

People are so judgemental that it makes other people wear masks to fit in but we shouldn't.

Ashley Purdy said " Be who you want to be, not what other people want to see."

I wish that everybody including me would listen to this quote more, instead of making fun of what people hate about themselves.

Can't people just take off their masks and other people accept them for who they are.


I wrote this one yesterday when I started to show my emotions and who I have become to someone and they decided that I wasn't good enough for their help. They judged me because god forbid I show other people I have emotions but you know what I don't care anymore I'll just be numb for the rest of my life.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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