Hell Above ~ Pierce The Veil

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Did you know that 20% of teens will have depression? That means that if you are in a class with five people at least one of those people will have depression.

Now another question, what is depression? Everyone seems to think that depression equals sadness but it doesn't. Depression is different for everyone who has it. Some think it's laying in their bed for three days because they think that their feet will shatter the moment they touch the floor. Others may think it's wanting to be alone but not wanting to be lonely. Or laying on your floor staring at you ceiling for hours because you cannot convince your body that is capable of movement.

20% of today's teens will suffer with depression. All of their depression is different. No one depression is the same.

Now on last question, can you name one person you know who has depression and if so what did you do to help them?



I wrote this one for school I had to research what percentage of teens will have depression. Nice to know that me and two of my friends are in that 20% that have depression. Thanks school for inlightening me in something I could care less about. The only good part about this week is I don't have school so expect more updates

How's your week been?

What are you doing for thanksgiving if you celebrate?

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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