Villains Are Made

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She was stuck between two armies 

Not knowing who's side she should be on

Losing herself in an attempt to decipher the lies

Both sides calling for her

Wanting to win her over

Asking for her to spill the blood of the other

Making her chose who she should trust

Pressuring her

Making her feel trapped between two walls with no exit in site

She's cornered and losing herself more

She chose neither

They were both too harsh towards her

Watching and critiquing her every move

But they didn't know anything

They only wanted her to spy and be obedient

It made her go crazy

They made her a villain

A villain so both sides can have someone to blame

So she embraced it

She was the villain


I know I said I was going to post this one earlier, but I got busy with doctors appointments and shipping my father back his phone with letters for my father and sister. My father sent a letter back to me so I might put his letter under the letter I sent him on here. I'll put my sisters letter as well. 

Life update - my hips and spine have been doing a lot better after my last procedure. My stomach condition that decided to start popping up last year is doing a bit better now that I'm on medications for it. My migraines are iffy, I was given 2 doses on the 19th to start on a new medication to see if it'll help, as well as a medication I talk when I feel a headache starting. Idk if I've said this but my stomach condition is explained as a migraine in my stomach and its migraine and nausea medications that are given. I put that there because the medication I take when feeling a headache coming on and I take it will both make my head and stomach hurt more. I go back to the neurologist October 17.

I won't say when but eventually I'll post the letters and a new poem I've wrote. I finished it last night with the help of a friend.

Until We Meet Again


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