十一 - A Club Competition

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Ch.11 - A Club Competition

The moon was still out, stars still high in the sky. The crisp air ready to nip anyone's skin it came into contact with, the trees rustling in the wind. Leaves occasionally falling off. It was Sunday, the day of the club meet. This meet began at 8am for an unknown reason, a very early hour for a meet to begin with; but what made it worse was the location. It would take three hours to drive there, meaning the time currently was 4:30am, on a Sunday. 

As of now Katsumi was getting ready, still half asleep. She was never one for waking up early, or waking up at all. It would always take her at least 1 hour before she's a functioning member of society, though modern life isn't built to accommodate people like her so she's had to adapt. That adaptation being 'my sister can wake up but I can't so she'll spray cold water on me'. Katsumi was ready, wearing her club jacket and clothes underneath. Her sister would be unwillingly coming with her on this occasion, her dad having to work at his own winter-sports centre. 

Normally the club would take a minibus on occasions like these, though the minibus they'd usually use was currently at the garage, being fixed because the tire was popped. Hikari was wearing leggings and a fluffy jumper, something warm unlike Katsumi was able to wear. 

"Alright guys, you can get in the car now." Their mom said as the two began to bolt for the front seat. "Oh no one go on the front seat! I need it for my things."

Well that plan was foiled, and very quickly. Katsumi hopped in the back, with her phone, earphones, food, water and book. Oh and no one can forget the honourable mention of a blanket. Both sisters got into the car, taking one seat each, as the engine was running; quiet music playing. Aki came back from locking the door and got in her own seat, beginning to pull out of the drive way. 

It was most common in Japan for people to take the train, though for long drives such as these, it was more convenient to drive.

Drives at early times such as these felt euphoric, the car lights beaming onto the road in front. The trees having a certain spotlight thrown onto them as the car drove past at the speed allowed. No other cars on the roads at this time, no other people for that matter. The quiet music being turned up a notch the energise the mood, with a failure. 


The screen on the control panel read, with the directions for the car to go. According to said panel, they were due to arrive at 7:48am which was very precise. Katsumi pulled out her phone, checking to statuses of her friends, both from school and club. There was a club group chat that was meant to be used for informational things, though wasn't. Katsumi's mom was on there at one point, until Katsumi removed her. 

For this occasion she made a group chat for those going to this meet, she was bored and there was 2 hours and 58 minutes left of this journey, and on top of that those in it should be up.

Running people

Katsumi- Y'all better be up or
I'll come and wake u up myself
and don't forget ur running cleats
and soccer cleats in case of the cross

Soshi- good morning to u too

Amajiki- it's too early for this

Yoarashi- It's never to early to be ready!

Choyaku- Oh my god I'm trying to sleep

Katsumi- in ur car I hope Hana

Choyaku- no in the fucking road

Katsumi- kk

Togata- I have arisen and I agree with Katsumi.
 Everyone should be leaving now for the meet.
Also Hana please don't lie in the road.

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