三十二 - Serendipity

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Ch.32 - Serendipity

It was late afternoon, the sun being halfway between it's peak and the horizon. The weather was clear, it was hot, though now the temperature had dropped slightly. The students of class 1A had just completed their practical exams, and even with the lie being uncovered by the teachers, some were still doubting their scores.

For once, Katsumi was unsure of how her and Katsuki's results. She knew they were strong together, but the amount of times the actually passed the requirements were low. Yes, she knew about the lie, and was fuming, but still. She worked out it couldn't be that much different, and not knowing made her irritated.

The changing rooms were either silent, due to the people in them being drained, or they were buzzing with hyper chattering. Katsumi wasn't the latter, she just wanted to know if she passed, and who's going to nationals. All would be revealed tomorrow, too long in her opinion. 

Katsumi was just buttoning up her shirt when she got a call from her phone. The girls all stopped talking and looked at Katsumi. The caller was none other than Hana. The two had been talking quite a lot, it was inevitable seeing as they went to the same club and were great friends. 

Katsumi pressed accept and put it on speaker.

"Hana, you're on speaker. What do ya need?" Katsumi began.

"GIRL YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE!" Hana screeched in a very excited tone.

"Bitch calm down, I'm gonna go deaf. But what?!" Katsumi replied, the latter part of her sentence joining Hana's excitement. By now everyone if the girl's changing room was intrigued 

"I'M GOING TO NATIONALS! MY TEACHER TOLD ME AND I LIKE SCREAMED!" Katsumi knew Hana was very excited, she was being very loud compared to her normal self. Katsumi was overjoyed for her friend, but did have a twinge of jealousy seeing as her class didn't know who was going.

"NO WAY!"  Katsumi replied back. The boys in the room next door were hearing everything, I mean, Katsumi and Hana weren't exactly being quiet about it.

"YES WAY, YOU BETTER BE GOING-" Hana was interrupted by a knock on the girls changing room door. It was a teacher.

"Oh shit a teacher, I gotta go. Congrats girl." Katsumi said hanging up, though she did head Hana scream again. 

For now, they had to deal with a teacher. And boy was it going to be interesting.


"Okay, good job on your final exams. You'll get your results tomorrow, that includes written tests and the practical. I'll also be tell you all who's going to nationals, don't be upset if you're not going, there's always next year and the year after that. Class dismissed." Aizawa sensei said. 

Katsuki and Katsumi were almost always the first people out of the door, knowing where they wanted to go. They walked together down to the shoe lockers, and changed their shoes in silence.

"Realistically, who do you think's going to nationals?" Katsumi began.

"Us, obviously. Teach said it was a pair, we're the best and we beat everyone in the sports festival. They'd be fucking blind not to pick us." Katsuki stated. He had a point, but they weren't the only good ones. Iida, Midoriya and Todoroki and Momo, they all stood a chance. 

Their light conversation continued as they walked home, the sun lowering itself, though not to the point of a sunset. 

"I just can't believe they lied to us like that!" Katsumi huffed, she was never going to let the teachers live that down.

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